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Your O.W.L.S were only a week away and you had never felt more under prepared for an examination in your life. How could you have left revision so late? Across the library, you could hear Hermione perfectly reciting the five functions of bogsweed.Curse her, you thought as you looked back down at some notes about potions. You were a smart Witch for your age; you had a sharp and an intelligent mind, much better than your friends, but exams were never your forte. If only you had taken the subject "care of magical creatures"- the exams for that subject were practical.

As you fell deeper into an abyss of frustration due to none of your notes making sense, you jumped as you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Are you still here?" A familiar voice asked, sounding surprised.

"I never left." You groaned. "Please help me Draco... I can't remember anything. I'm going to fail," you whined, tugging on his tie. "Pleaseee."

Draco sighed; "I guess I can make an exception for you," he said, planting a kiss on the top of your head as he pulled out a bench next to you. "But after, let's go for a walk."

"Whatever, just please help me," you groaned whilst flopping your head dramatically onto the desk.

"Okay, read through page twelve and then get back to me."

"Okay," you nodded, turning your textbook to the correct page. Whilst reading half way down the page, you felt his hand brush against yours. You smiled bashfully but didn't move your hand away. His fingers caressed your palm under the desk as he pretended he was oblivious to his actions. As you got to the end of page twelve, you realised you had taken none of the information in.

"Draco, I can't concentrate." You scolded, as you gave him a hard stare. His hand instantly removed itself from yours as he smirked to himself, making himself busy by reading your notes that were fanned out over the table. As you settled down to re-read the end of page twelve once more, you instantly tensed as you felt his hand again; this time it was on your thigh. It was late June and the stale castle air had turned stuffy, so you had chosen to wear a skirt today, a choice you now simultaneously regretted and thanked. He began to draw swirls on your upper thigh with his index finger and you sighed in irritation as he slowly moved his swirls in an upward direction. You began to get very flustered and Draco knew exactly what he was doing.

"You choose your times don't you," you whispered to him, narrowing your eyes.

"I wasn't expecting you to look so irresistible." He breathed in reply.

You cocked an eyebrow before pulling your skirt straight until it met with your knee, turning to give Draco a smug smile.

"Just help me understand the negative side effects of mixing fawnhide and merscale," you pleaded as you begun to get desperate. "Then we can go for a walk."

"Fine," he sighed, commencing to explain the effects properly to you, stopping his previous philandering.

Once he had finished explaining, you smiled thankfully. "I think I understand now. Let's just hope this comes up in the exams."

"Mmm," he agreed as he cupped your face and tenderly kissed your lips.

"Draco Malfoy!" The librarian scorned, shooting an icy glare at the both of you. "I have told you before that no frolicking is tolerated in this library."

You blushed again as Draco rolled his eyes and collected up your notes. Once all your work was neatly under his arm, he took your hand and led you out the library. He swiftly turned left once you were out the entrance his stride was fast as you found yourself having to jog to keep up with him. Just as you were about to question where he was taking you, not recognising this part of Hogwarts; he stopped and pushed you into an alcove in the wall. As your back hit the stone, his arms encased you and his breath was quickly upon your neck. He gently kissed your collarbone, before placing a trail of kisses up your neck, finally stopping when he reached your mouth. His hand reached your hair as he laced his fingers in it and pulled you tighter.

"I take it we're not going for a walk then," you managed to breath out. He laughed in reply before submerging you in another deeper kiss.

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