Fluffy Lust

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Weaknesses. They're prominent in everyone. And no matter how much one tries to hide them, sooner or later they come out in the toughest of times.

The word "weakness" was a word that Draco Malfoy was not particularly fond of. Everyday, the boy continually wore a mask of stone cold ice in an attempt to drive people away when they tried to get close. His mask never wore off, never faded away. It was something that he thought of as an impenetrable wall, something that could be unbreakable.

And for a while, it was unbreakable. His walls were rock solid, built up with barbed wire and turrets around them to keep everyone out. But the one thing he didn't count on to make his walls crash down was her.

It started off as a hello. It was simple and a quiet one at that, but that one hello reeled him in almost instantly.

He found himself following her everywhere, constantly talking to her whenever he could get the chance. Everywhere she was seen, people could be sure that Draco would be right next to her engaged in a conversation. Occasionally, people could also see him crack a smile or let out a chuckle.

It was when he first started dating her that a crack was made in his walls.It wasn't too big or too small, but it was big enough to make him grow soft whenever he was around (Y/N).

She was always aware of the tough guy facade he had built for himself, yet she never pressured him to let her in. (Y/N) knew that the one day, he would break down and eventually let her in completely - so that she could feel truly loved by him.

But she didn't know, and he most certainly didn't know, that that day would be today.

Draco had always taken the occasional teasing every now and then, there was no lie in that. But as the months passed by in Draco and (Y/N)'s relationship, the facade Draco had built up for himself began to crack. He was now constantly being put under pressure by his fellow Slytherin housemates and the fact that he was dating a Gryffindor did not make it any better.

The bullying started because of how Draco completely changed whenever he was around (Y/N). They always called him "soft" and a "wuss" because he was always so gentle and loving around her.

At first he didn't mind it, mainly because he knew that he loved her and would therefore, act a certain way around the person that he loves.

But when the teasing started to come down onto her, Draco began to get angry. He was soon always found getting into fights and punching someone in the face because of the things they said about her and from that, Draco started to get bullied again. This time he was called "sensitive" and "a baby."

Since things were going bad for the both of them, they decided to stay indoors for the day, skipping school entirely. Neither of them cared about the consequences, both Draco and (Y/N) just wanted one day where they could escape the world and the evil that came from it. However, that one day of escape soon turned into a raging argument between both parties.

"You're breaking up with me because of the stupid things these idiots say about us?!" she shouted.

Draco sighed exasperatedly. "No! No that's not what I'm doing!"

"Then what is it, then?! 'Cause it sure as hell sounds like you want to leave me!"

"I don't want to leave you!" Draco shouted back.

"Then why are you breaking up with me?!"

"I'm not, just think we should take time apart. That's all!"

She squinted at him, "Are you serious?! Why are you letting these assholes get to you?"

Draco made a low growl in his throat, "I'm just tired of us hearing these shitty remarks about our relationship!"

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now