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Draco's Pov
"Sweetheart?" Y/n said sweetly as we lay in under the covers of my bed because she feel asleep last night and she looked to cute sleeping with her hair everywhere. "Yes love?" I said tiredly since it was 7:00 in the morning. "I'm going to hop in the shower, don't forget we are going to Hogsmeade in a couple of hours" she said pausing "love you" she said and pecked me softly, then ran out to go to her tower. She's a Gryffindor, and she's also muggle-born, but I could care less, I'm in love with her, and who her parents are or her class of wizardry doesn't matter anymore.

I felt a sly smirk come to my lips as I came up with an idea, I wonder where Potter could be?


-Harry's POV-

"Why hello Potter" Draco said approaching me as I was studying for the potions test on Friday. "What do you want Draco?" I seethed, I was under a lot of stress, and Hermione had angered me this morning because she was asking to many questions about to many things. "I need to ask a favor" he said with a sly smirk. "Oh no..." I muttered to where he couldn't hear me. "I know about the invisible cloak" he said with a disgusting smirk. "How the..." "I won't tell, but I need something in return" again with that horrific smirk. "What do you want?" I asked glaring at him. "I need to borrow the cloak" he said his eyes with compleat seriousness. "No, for what?!" I quietly yelled getting up from where I was sitting. "I'm not going to tell you! I just need it, do you want Snape to know you snuck into the girls bathroom with it on?!" He quietly yelled back. "But I didn't..." "Exactly" he smirked. "Fine..." I said and ran to get the cloak.

-Y/N's POV-

You where finally about to get in the shower an half an hour later because Hermione was questioning me about where you where last night, boy that girl was a time killer. You turn the water on and waited for it to get hot. You take off your clothes and jump in, You cleaned your self and started on your hair. As Your shampooing You hear the door quietly open and jump and almost slipped, You reach out and grab your wand and pull the curtain over so your face was peaking out. "Who's there?!" You shout but there's nothing there, so you pulled the curtains closed and start singing when you feel a callused hand on your hip. "Wow you sing beautifully" a husky voice said in my ear. You shriek and turn around only to loose your footing and slipped only to be caught by the intruder. "Bloody hell y/n you even scared me" You look into Draco's gray eyes while he is smiling and chuckling quietly. " Draco!!!!! You scared the shit out of me you asshole!!" You say laughing shoving his bare shoulder, then going wide eyed because you were naked and immediately covering your self. "Baby you don't need to hide for me" he said huskily in to your ear, grabbing your hips and sucking on your neck, leaving a mark for sure. You moaned makes good him suck even harder. "Draco..." you moaned his name, grinding your naked hips into his. "That's right baby say my name" he said and ran his hand down to your throbbing wet core. You turn around and put your lips to his and entered a heated make out session, soon enough your put your hand on his hard on and started to palm him. A groan escaped his mouth and he threw his head back as you where sucking his skin while his hand is still working magic on you. He puts his hands on the back of your thigh indicating for you to jump. "Are you ready babe?" He asked his soft gray eyes turned into dark storm clouds when you nodded your head. He slowly entered you as your eyes rolled backwards. "Baby are you ok?" He asks sweetly, you nod your head and he picked up his pace and quickly thrusted in and out. You where both moaning and groaning messes, you reached your high and put your head on his shoulder, your hands griping to his hair tightly. "Let go on the count of three baby" he whispered as he tightly griping your waist, being sure to make a mark. "One" he started. "Two" you said slightly above a whisper. "Three!" You both shouted loudly letting go at the same time his load filling you as you scratched down his back and bit his shoulder hardly to refrain from screening, "I love you so much baby" he whispered. "I love you too Draco" you say as you get out and dry your selfs of then walking back to your room and falling asleep in each others arms

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