Hot newbie

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You walk down the unfamiliar hall of your new school Hogwarts. It was very different compared to your old school where everyone surrounding you is a girl. Your parents had attended Hogwarts yet you insisted to attend beauxbatons. That was until you got bored. You wearing your new robes (minus the tie since you haven't been sorted yet) and some black high heels as you strut down the halls. You've never really liked the idea of flat shoes or jeans. You're always like the idea of cute dress and high heeled stilettos. You finally find your way to the great hall and you walk in confidently. You gasp as you see how huge and magnificent it was. Candles swayed gently as they floated above your head. You continue your way towards the front where a man with a big white beard stood. Dumbledore ,you believe his name was, turned as he heard you approach. You placed a hand on your hip and popped it to the side slightly.

'Hello. You must be y/n.' You nod your head confidently as his strong voice fills your ears. 'Good. You may wait here while I make an announcement, then I will welcome you on to sit in that stool. Since it's nearly the middle of the year no one else is going to be sorted with you unfortunately.'

After your conversations with Dumbledore you wait for him to make some announcements. You zone out for a few minutes, not wanting to bother listening to that stuff. You scowl as you watch people from Gryffindor sit in their seats. You've never been fond of Gryffindors since you're parents had both been in Slytherin and raised you to hate anyone who is not of pure blood.

You name is suddenly called and you lift your head and look to Dumbledore who gestures you to the stool. Whispers fill the room as you walk towards the stool slowly, as if you were almost taunting everyone. Anticipation was clear on everyone's faces as you smirk out into the crowd of people. You sit down in the chair and the hat is placed on you head. The hat hums as he decides what house you should be placed in.

'Well this is going to be tricky. Very brave, very confident yet your pride is very overpowering.' You scowl as the hat insults your cockiness. 'Sly and cunning. Hmm. I say....' You lean forward in anticipation. You were silently pleading for Slytherin. Both your parents were in Slytherin. You had been raised as a proud and wealthy child, receiving anything you desired. You were headstrong and didn't let anyone get in you way. So as the hat yells Slytherin you stand proudly and strut to the Slytherin table filled with cheering people. Someone chucked you a green tie. You smirk as you stare off into the crowd. You make eye contact with a boy with platinum blonde hair.

Damn. You thought until you saw his arm wrapped around a girl who's face look a lot like a pug.

You decided to name her pug face.

As soon as the boy sees you looking he unwraps his hands from the girl and looks at you with dark eyes. A boy sitting next to him gestures you to come over. You place yourself between the hot damn guy and the guy who gestured you over.

'Hey. I'm Blaise.' The guy says. You flick your hair over your shoulder.

'Hello Blaise. I'm y/n.' Your voice contains a bit of an Australian accent since you had grown up there. You begin to talk to the guy. He was funny and obviously quite popular. Blaise turned to the girl next to him and started a new conversation so you turned to the guy with the platinum blonde hair. He was already staring at you so when you turned around he smiled sexily. You return the smile. You raise your hand for him to shake.

'Hi. I'm y/n.' He grips your hand firmly.

'Draco, Draco Malfoy.' He pulls you hand to his mouth and kisses it softly. His voice was husky and had a sexy sharp tone to it. You try your best to cover the blush that was most likely spreading across you cheeks. He smirks at you and you roll your eyes jokingly. As you turn your gaze back to him he's silently glaring at someone at the Gryffindor.

'Who are we glaring at?' Draco's head snaps back to face you.

'Potter.' Your eyebrows crease as you look to the guy with round glasses. As you look to the guy he's talking too, the guy with bright red hair, a girl with reasonably puffy hair turns to you and glares. You'd been raised to avoid anyone that's not of pure blood so it is quite easy for you to tell what she was. You might as well have written mud blood all over her forehead. You look to see all three of them are looking at you. You feel Draco tense beside you as you wave mockingly at the red head, who was looking at you with a hint should we put this...want...need. You turn away from them and look back to Draco. He glares at the guy and looks back to you.

'Who's the other two?' You ask.

'Weasley and Granger. Pathetic if you ask me.' You nod you head slowly.

You grab a empty cup and use your wand to fill it with juice. You bring to your mouth slowly as you awkwardly sit there. Suddenly something smashes into your back causing you to spill your juice onto the table. You stand abruptly and spin round to find 'Granger' with the other two boys beside her. She looked slightly frightened but covered it with a small smirk. You gasp and walk towards her. Filled with rage, you take slow taunting steps towards her.

'How dare you, you filthy mud blood!' You yell at her. She looks shocked as your voice booms in her face. She stumbles back slightly but quickly regains her firm posture.

'Excuse me?' She whispers angrily. She walks towards you and stands right in front of you, only inches separated you.

'I said watch where your going, stupid girl.' You say as you narrow your eyes. She raises her hand suddenly and slaps you across the face. You hold your mouth open as you bring your hand to your cheek. You strain you neck round to look back at her.

'Don't ever call me stupid, PRINCESS.' You go to launch your self at her when an arm wraps around your waist and pulls you into someone's chest. 'Oh look your prince has come to save the day. Right Malfoy? ' She says while spitting venom at Draco. You'd had enough of her stupid insults. You quickly pull yourself out of Draco's arms and give her a swift punch to the face. The impact causes her to fall back onto the floor. You stare down at her body.

'Leave Draco out of this, you pathetic bitch.' You suddenly feel the room go silent. You don't have to be smart to know that everyone was staring at the scene taking place. You turn around to look at everyone and give a quick hiss before you strut out of the great hall. You find your way to a stair well and take a seat on a step. You sigh heavily and run a hand through your y/h/c hair. You soon hear footsteps approaching you. You pray to god it's not a teacher, but when your pulled into someone's lap you know it's Draco. You relax into his chest as he begins to stroke your hair. He whispers soothing things into you ear. You turn to look at him, small strands of hair falling onto your face. You look up at him through your lashes. He smiles sexily, again.

'That was quite the show back there.' He says. He leans forward to your ear. 'I thought it was really hot.' You find yourself leaning in as does Draco. You lips meet, at first it was soft but it got rougher and rougher and you soon find yourself straddling Draco, his hands holding you down on him firmly by your hips. He moans as you pull on the hairs on the back of his neck. You break away slowly and smirk at him.

Teasing him.

He pouts sexily. 'You're mean.'

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