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Draco Malfoy. Where do I begin. He's smart, most of the time. He's gorgeous, all the time. He's got a humorous side to him as well. He's the perfect human being. I had a major crush on Draco, but he did not. He didn't say that, but I'm a muggle born. I'm also a proud Slytherin. Most of my fellow Slytherins have no issues with me, mostly because they are terribly scared of me. They have all the right to be. I don't play around.

I was walking down the hallway when my best friend, Pansy Parkinson, jumped in front of me and started screaming.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" She shrieked.

I put my hands on my ears. "What? What? What?" I yelled.

"I just finished talking to Draco and Blaise! And you will NEVER guess what Draco told me!" She screamed.

"Is he gonna get off his high horse and start treating people with respect?" I uncovered my ears and continued walking.

"We both know that's not happening any time soon." She muttered. She ran up and caught up to me. "Y/n! He likes you!"

"Yea. Good one, Pansy." I said.

"Y/n! It's true. He said so himself. He said he really likes you. He said he's liked you since first year!" She squealed.

"Wow. All those times he called me mudblood, I thought he was being mean. I'm glad you cleared things up and made me realize he was flirting." I said, sarcastically.

"Oh lighten up. Maybe he was being mean to you because he liked you." She insisted.

"Oh yea. Very mature for a 16 year old." I rolled my eyes.

"You're just a big pile of sarcasm today aren't you?" She laughed.

"When aren't I?" I smiled.

"Are you gonna make your move on him?" She smirked.

"What? No! If he really likes me, he'll make the first move. And he better do it fast before someone else does." I said and headed to class.

"One week. It's been one week and he still hasn't said anything." I whisper yelled to Pansy. We were in potions, sitting in the very back of the room with most of the other Slytherins. Draco was sitting right in front of us with Crabbe and Goyle. I sat with Pansy and Blaise.

"Who?" Asked Blaise. I was sandwiched between Blaise and Pansy.

"None of your business!" Pansy hissed.

"I know your talking about Draco. I just wanted you to say it." He smirked.

"What about me?" We all turned and saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle staring at us.

"Just that Y/n-" Blaise didn't get a chance to finish. I quickly pinched his thigh and twisted it as hard as I could, causing him to make a loud painful noise. I let go as soon as the class turned to look at us. The professor gave us a suspicious look but continued teaching.

I turned to Blaise and quietly whispered. "If you say anything I will not hesitate to use the cruciatus curse on you. Got it?"

His eyes widened and he quickly nodded. I turned back to Draco who was watching me.

"Turn around, Malfoy." I spat. He smirked and turned around.

"Y/n! I got it!" Pansy whisper yelled. "You need to make him jealous."

I shot my head towards her. "Pans! That's brilliant!"

"Do it after class... With Potter!" She smirked.

I looked around class and spotted potter sitting next to Weasley. I smirked to myself. This will surely get Draco to make his move.

Class was dismissed and as always the golden trio, Malfoy and his posse, and Pansy and I were the last ones in the class.

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