I choose you

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This was it.

Voldemort and his Death Eaters had come.

The war was now here, and it was as real as it could ever be.

You of course, had sided with Harry, Ron, Hermione, the good guys basically. When you begged your boyfriend Draco to join your side, he became extremely conflicted. On one hand, he wanted to do what was right, he wanted to fight against what he now knew as evil - he wanted to do something good for once in his life.

On the other hand, he couldn't stand the thought of leaving behind his parents, and his family in the dust. He didn't want to turn against them, and he especially didn't want to risk the death of his parents at the hands of Lord Voldemort. Draco had his own war waging inside of him and right now, he didn't know what side was winning.

The people fighting to keep Hogwarts stood on one side of what was left of the Great Hall, Voldemort and his Death Eaters standing on the other side. You were standing near the back, wand in hand, and ready for what was about to ensue.

Draco was standing on the other side of the crowd you were in when Voldemort called out to him.

"Draco!" Voldemort hissed.

Draco stared at Voldemort, his face becoming contorted with sadness and frustration.

"Draco! Come here!" Voldemort said again, his eyes burning holes into Draco's face.

Draco stood there for a few seconds before slowly, and sadly, pushing himself out of the crowd, on his way to Voldemort. He didn't want this. He didn't want to choose this path, but he didn't want to get his parents killed. In his mind, he didn't have a choice.

But he was wrong.

Your eyes widened in horror as you immediately started pushing your way out of the crowd. Draco must have only been two feet away from reaching Voldemort when you shoved past Hermione and Ron, making yourself visible to everyone else.

"DRACO!" you screamed, his body immediately whipping around to face you.

His eyes instantly met yours and they widened in shock.

Hermione and Ron tried to grab you and hold you back, but you yanked yourself free of their grip.

"Let me talk to him!" you hissed at them.

"(Y/N), don't." Draco pleaded, his eyes still on yours.

"Draco, Draco baby, you don't have to do this." you said, tears coming to your eyes. Voldemort's eyes burned into you in sudden anger, his wand clutched in his hand tighter than ever.

Draco started to shake his head but you kept on going.

"Draco, you have a choice. You know what's right, and you know this isn't the right one for you."

Draco's eyes filled with desperation as he looked at you. He knew you were right, but he didn't want you to die. Right now, all he wanted was for you to be as far away from this place as possible. All Draco wanted was for you to be safe, and you couldn't be safe if you were dead.

You lifted your arms in exasperation and quickly put them down. Your voice was now filled with desperation and worry.

You slowly walked closer to him, Draco's body suddenly shielding yours from Voldemort and his family. "I know you. This isn't you. This isn't the life you wanted for yourself. You can't be a Death Eater, you don't have it in you to be something so horrible."

As soon as you reached him, you placed a gentle, dirty hand on his cheek, feeling the skin and the tears coating it.

"I know you." you said softly, his hands gently coming around to softly lay flat against your waist.

"Now now Draco. Stop wasting time with the little whore and come back." Voldemort said carefully, trying to get Draco to go back to him.

You ignored him and continued on, your voice getting softer.

"You're sweet, and you're gentle. You know how to make me feel better after a crappy day and you know how to make me laugh and smile. Whenever you hold me, I feel so protected and safe in your arms. Whenever you kiss me, I feel like I'm literally on cloud nine. My brain practically explodes in fireworks whenever your lips touch mine."

Draco's eyes started becoming softer by the second, but there were tears still pouring out of them.

You kept going anyway. "I love it when you smile at me when I walk into the room, because I know you're happy to see me. I love it when you play with my hair and stroke it when you're holding me, because I like how your soft, gentle fingers feel in my hair. I love it when you hold me so tightly against you whenever we make love, because I know there's no one else you would rather be with in that moment than me."

A small smile started to come to Draco's eyes, his hands pressing you into him tighter.

"You are the sweetest boy I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I don't regret a single second I've spent with you. Even though we've had our bad times, I wouldn't change a damn thing. Because I know in the end, you love me. You'll always love me. As I will always love you."

Draco leaned down to press his forehead against yours, tears streaking down his face and his eyes looking at you with all the love in the world and more.

"Now tell me, do you really think a person like you could ever be something so dreadfully evil?" you whispered, so only he could hear.

His eyes widened as they stared into yours, the realization hitting him. You were right.

You took a deep breath before finishing your speech.

"I know you've made some terrible choices, terrible mistakes in the past. But now you have a chance to make them right. Please, for me, pick the right one now." your voice was somewhat scratchy and croaky from the crying, but you didn't care. You just wanted your Draco, the Draco you fell in love with, to make the right choice for once in his life.

Draco pressed you tightly against him as he pressed his mouth to yours, his lips tasting slightly like dirt, but were soft all the same.

He pulled away and took a deep breath before facing Voldemort and the Death Eaters, his body shielding yours.

"I choose her." he said, confident and determined.

Lucius and Narcissa's Malfoy's faces crumpled in horror and agony. Bellatrix gave you an ugly, nasty glare.

"Draco, Draco don't be silly boy. Come back to me, come back to your family." Lucius quickly begged, his hand still outstretched.

Draco shook his head firmly. "No."

His gaze turned to Lord Voldemort, who was suddenly very calm.

"You can kill me and my parents if you want, but just know that this is a battle you will lose." Draco hissed at him, "I've made plenty of mistakes in my life, but now I have a chance to fix them. I'm not going to let you, or my parents, or anything stand in the way of that."

Voldemort stared at Draco for a few seconds before nodding and waving his hand, signaling Draco to leave.

"Go." he said, the sinister ice overtaking his voice, "Just know that I will see to it that you are killed."

Draco pressed a comforting hand to the small of your back and walked you back to the crowd in front of you with his body still covering yours like a shield, the faces in front of you slowly turning into large smiles and gasps of wonder as you both walked closer to them.

Once you got back to the crowd, he turned you so you faced him.

"I'll always choose you." he whispered, sending your heart flying.

"I'm not going to let you die now, you hear? We're going to live. Both of us are going to make it out alive." he fiercely promised, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer, your fingers digging into his shoulders.

"When this is over, I'll marry you."

You looked up at him in surprise and happiness. Draco was finally making the right choices for once in his life.

"You will?", you asked, a wide smile prominent on your face.

Draco nodded firmly. "I promise. I'll marry you."

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