Not innocent

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It was ridiculous how the hat sorted you in Slytherin. At first you were completely fine with it, but now it became extremely annoying. Everyone always picked on you because you were apparently "so innocent".

I mean, they weren't technically wrong. You never cursed, never smoked or drank or anything like that. You were always nice to people regardless of their house or race. You had the best grades in your year and you were also a little clueless when it came to certain things.

But no one really bothered to talk to you, to see who you really were. No one wanted to sit down by the fire and have a chat with you or let you join in on inside jokes in the house.

The worst part of it was Draco Malfoy. He was your number one tormentor and he wasn't afraid to pick on you a few times a day. Sometimes he'd make sexual jokes at you at your expense of not knowing what he meant. But little did he know that you understood most of them.

Everyone was at dinner, but you didn't want to go because after another round of teasing from Malfoy, you had suddenly lost your appetite. So you just decided to stay in the Slytherin tower and get a head start on your homework. What you didn't know was, Draco was there too. After the creature he had to take care of in his Care of Magical Creatures class, he lost his appetite too.

You came down from your room with a book to see if any house-elves had started a fire in the fireplace. There was a fire, but Draco was sitting in front of it, with his head leaned back against the couch and his eyes closed. Assuming he was sleeping, you just slid into the chair next to the couch and started reading.

He brought his head up and opened his eyes immediately. "Decided to do something exciting for once in your life, eh?" he teased.

You let out an agitated sight and glanced at him. "Like you would care anyway."

"Aw c'mon, yes I would." he replied, smirking at you.

"Yeah, so you can make more jokes at my expense." you grumbled, not taking your eyes off of your book.

"If you wouldn't make it so easy, I wouldn't have to tease you." he snickered at you.

You slapped your book shut and turned to look at him. "What's your problem, huh? What, just because I'm not like other Slytherins gives you the right to be a dickhead towards me?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Wow (Y/N). I didn't think you knew what those kinds of words meant."

You rolled your eyes. "Bite me, Malfoy." You got up and attempted to go back to your room when he stood up and turned in your direction.

"Kinda cute though." he commented.

You turned around, clearly confused. "Excuse me?"

"Your innocence. It's cute." he bit his lip a little bit and you could've sworn you liked it when he did that. But why? You hated this guy, remember?

You crossed your arms. "If you think it's so cute, why do you make fun of it?"

He let out a small laugh. "Because it's weird seeing an innocent Slytherin. Most of us are devious, cunning, rude. But're not like any of us. You're nice and studious and you barely talk when you're around us. It's different."

You looked at him. "Well maybe if you fuckers actually took the time to get to know me rather than assuming shit, I would be a little more talkative."

He raised up his hands in surrender. "Hey, I'm just saying what everyone's thinking."

You glared at him and stalked forward. "I'm not as innocent as people think you know."

He slowly walked up to you, stopping when he was breathing distance from you.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now