Chapter 43

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After kissing; a lot of kissing, Dan and I arrived back to my apartment, to do more kissing, and then just purely stand in the hallway.

I had my eyes closed and my mouth locked with his. I could feel Dan smile into the kiss, his hand being brought up to my face and gently touching my cheek. Strands of my dark brown hair got caught inbetween each of his fingers; breaking the moment of intimacy but I didn't care, and I could tell Dan feelings mimicked mine. It felt like we were the only two people in the world, but of course something, or someone had to ruin it.

It's like when you see a bird fly away to the sound of a person walking towards them, that's how I felt; as if I just wanted to fly, far away from here. The sound of a car door slamming outside stopped us dead in our tracks. I unwillingly unlocked my lips from Dan's as he let out a groan full with pure frustration.

The front door opened in one swift movement. Dan and I each turned our heads to face the dark silhouette of Jake stood in the doorway, steps heavy on the wooden floor as he made his way indoors, slamming the door behind him with so much force; I'm surprised the glass didn't smash.

The harsh light appeared in the room afterwards as Jake angrily switched on the light, an action I didn't even know was possible until now. He groaned as he did so, indicating that he was most definitely in a bad mood...not so lucky for us.

His dark brown eyes made their way towards myself, following over to Dan who still had his hand fixtated with mine firmly; I wanted to keep hold, if it wasn't for the guy who had now interrupted us, I still would have been, but at the same time, I tried to let go but Dan wouldn't take it. He held me close as I turned my body to face Jake. A compliment I guess, he wasn't ashamed of me.


His sarcastic laugh interrupted my words, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as to why he did so before he began to speak himself.

"I knew it...I couldn't leave you alone for one minute, hey Violet?" He rhetorically asked, leaving me perplexed as to what to say. The very moment that he walks through the door, and automatically assumes I'm having some sort of an affair? Even if that was the case - or is, I don't know - he had no idea.

"It's not like th-" I tried.

"Who even is this?" Jake spat as he lazily pointed his finger in Dan's direction. I felt my hand fall to my waist.


"Dan..Dan...Dani..Danielle?" He replied, squinting his eyes. "Oh this is gold. It all adds up now!"

He brought his hands up in the air and slowly clapped them together towards myself, and then over to Dan. I couldn't bare to look at Dan, so instead I let my eyes follow over to Jake in disgust as I knitted my eyebrows together.

"Danielle, we finally meet." Jake mimicked as he held out his hand to Dan, who proudly stood his ground.

"Listen..I don't want any trouble." Dan muttered as he held his palm out to Jake as if to tell him to calm down.

"Well then don't come round kissing my girlfriend!" Jake exclaimed, again presuming accusations he had no proof for whatsoever. He rapidly walked forwards towards Dan, making me anxious as to what was going to happen thus causing me to hold my hand out, shaking my head from side to side.

"I thought-no, I know infact, we had broke up!" I yelled.

"Whatever Violet, I leave you for what, a bloody day and seconds later you're in bed with this excuse of a man!" He shouted, frowning at Dan as he stepped forward.

"How dare you say that about him, you don't even know him!" I defended.

"Oh please," He walked closer to me as I pulled my head back in fear. I was soon later reluctant to let him patronise me, so I held my chin up, pursing my lips. Jake came closer still, his nose inches away from my face as he took a deep sniff inwards.

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