The Basement

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The next morning we all gathered around the kitchen while Henry was still asleep in his room. We had been planning out our plan for searching for the witch. Regina was going to spend time with Henry today and get him the ice cream she promised yesterday. Pan and I planned to take on the woods while Hook, David, and Emma search for clues around the town. Mary Margaret was going to take some time and rest considering her situation.

Pan and I walked down the stairs and out into the town. I walked down the road looking for something that could get us to the woods faster than walking. And there it was. The black car that I had noticed never moved. I had found out that the car was left abandoned after a man had no use for it anymore, according to Blue.

I walked up to the window with a screwdriver and a hanger. Easily, I was able to unlock the car using the hanger after cracking the window.

"What are you doing?" Pan asked eyeing my work. I ignored him as I opened the car then sat down in the drivers seat.

"Are you getting in or what?" I asked proudly. Just as I was about to use the screwdriver to Hotwire the car, from above the vizor dropped down letting the key fall into my lap. I picked it up, thankful that I didn't have to wire the car.

Pan got in and buckled up, impressed. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"Ty taught me," I recalled to his disappointment.

He clenched his jaw "You mean the flying monkey..." He watched as I stuck the key in and turned on the car. "Do you even know how to use this thing?"

"It's a car, and yes." I smiled as I drove off and out onto the street.

"Did you really like him?" He asked, looking  around.

For some reason this type of conversation made me nervous. I wasn't used to him being this... talkative. Thought it did make me believe him when he said he has changed.

Pan was a mystery full of surprises.

I swallowed, "Of course I did. He was my first."
Pan choked just as soon as I began to clarify. "Kiss," I exclaimed, "He was my first kiss since the amnesia. Nothing more."

"Well you sure know how to give someone a scare," he said grumpily. His reaction irked me.

"Why does it even matter anyway," I said. "For the time I did think he was real, he was nice."

"It was fake, he was a flying monkey after all."

I gripped the steering wheel, "But even that was enough for me. At least I thought I had a real family... a real home."

"You mean a life made of lies?" He glared.

I shook my head. For once I was trying to be vulnerable, and he acts like this? I don't get him...

My phone rang.

"Emma what's up?" I answered.

"Meet us just outside of town at an abandoned house. You'll know it when you see it. We'll meet you there," She said in a rushed tone.

"Alright see you then," I said hanging up.

"What's up? Where are we going?" asked Pan.

"To an abandoned house. Outside the woods."

As we got there, Emma was standing beside Hook, David, and Regina.

"How did you get here so fast?" Emma asked.

"I got a car," I smirked.

"So you stole a car," Regina proclaimed crossing her arms.

Emma sent her a warning look.

"No, Blue said I could have it. Look that's not what's important right now," I argued, "Emma you can ground me later for not asking you. Now are we going to brake in or not? I brought a screwdriver."

"We'll take about this later," Emma said aloud, though granted not disappointed.

As she walked away I heard her mumble,"Ty is so lucky he's dead."

We all walked up to the wooden basement door. It was freezing out in the snow. I could felt the clumps of snow crushing under my feet as I walked.

"I could sure use a hot cocoa right now," I announced.

"Hot cocoa?" Pan quirked a brow.

"I'll get you one later," I said.

"You mean on a date?" He smirked.

"It's not a date," I clarified.

"You better hope not," Emma warned, "New York may have been a lie but she's like my daughter, and you are still Peter Pan. You may have said you changed but I need to really see it. So I'm not letting you date her without a serious talk."

"As you wish," Pan said amusingly.

The group continued to walk whilst keeping an eye around them. I even felt a bit anxious by the anticipation.

"Alright be careful. You might not know what could jump up and attack us," Hook mentioned pulling out his sword.

Regina raised her arms ready to attack, as did Pan. Emma pulled out her gun and David stood aside in a fighting position his fists balled up. Having no weapon such as a sword or gun, I also went into a fighting stance.

Emma leaned over and unlatched the door, quickly opening it. We all reacted but nothing came. It was completely dark. I squinted my eyes looking for anything. I saw stairs leading down to the wooden floor. But that was it.

"Looks like we're good," David said.

"Yeah, for now," agreed Regina.

Emma went in first followed by me. The room was mostly empty full of useless tools or other junk. But what caught my attention was the giant cell in the back of the room. We all approached the open cell. Inside it was a spinning wheel. And surrounding it on the floor were strands of straw turned into gold.

"Now who do we know that can Spin straw into gold," Regina smirked as David picked one up and observed it.

"Rumpelstiltskin," Emma answered surprised.

I stared at her and smiled.

"Bloody hell," I heard Pan curse.

Rumple is alive, and he is here in Storybrooke.

Updated August 9, 2023

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