Peter Pan

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"Ah darling how much longer for those drinks?" Cruella and Ursula were sitting down at the bar stools waiting for her drinks at granny's diner. I had just walked in and noticed David and Mary Margaret talking. I turned back and stared as Will, the man with the accent, walked in. Belle had a bit of a crush on him and I was sure they were going out. I was glad she was trying to finally get over Rumple, I just wanted her to be happy again. Will walked right up and quickly received his drinks. I found myself giggling at Granny. I could her Ursula and Cruella groaning from annoyance. 

I walked up next to them,"Hey Granny can I get the lunch please?" Granny smiled sweetly and went back to grab the lunch. She quickly came back and I grabbed the takeout.

 "How's everything coming along?" She asked completely ignoring Ursula and Cruella complaining. 

"With your grilled cheese,"I said picking up the bag she handed me,"perfect." Granny smiled when I handed her money and told her to keep the change and went on with her business. I ignored Cruella and  Ursula's glares and walked over to David and Mary Margaret who were calling me over. 

"Hey what's going on?" I asked giving them a quick hug. 

"Nothing," said David,"we were just wondering if you'd like to join us for lunch?"

"Yeah, Emma and Hook are gonna meet us here and also have a bite,"said Mary Margaret. 

I bit my lip,"sorry I actually have to go meet up with Pan. I got his lunch,"I said picking up the bag,"he has been keeping a close eye on Evan lately. he's at the sheriff's station."

"Cut him some slack,"said David,"You and Evan do have some history."

"He's probably just paranoid,"Mary Margaret agreed. 

I nodded and widened my eyes,"Well I'l just get going then." 

"See you later,"they said. I smiled at them and walked out, almost bumping into Regina and Henry,"Hey," I smiled reaching for Henry and giving him a squeeze. 

"Hey you know I'm not that little kid from Neverland anymore,"he complained. I hated to admit it but he was right. He was getting older and I had to stop treating him like a little baby brother. Only problem is that he is my little step brother and always will be. "Tell Mom I said hi if you see her,"I told him. 

"We are getting some chocolate frosted doughnuts,"said Regina,"want one?" 

I shook my head,"Maybe another time, I have to head out."

"Does Peter Pan want to sword play?" she asked. 

I breathed out a laugh,"I wish. More like guard the prisoner." 

"Sounds like fun," she exaggerated.

"Yeah...ask me again later."

I had finally arrived at the sheriffs station and found Pan sitting on the table. "I brought food!" I exclaimed sliding on the table and stopping right next to him. I pulled my legs up and sat criss-crossed. Pan had grin and leaned down to give me a quick peck on the lips. I smiled and turned around to take out two grilled cheeses and fries along with some onion rings. I handed one of each over to him. I happily chewed on my grilled cheese and looked over across the bars to see Evan lightly snoring. 

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