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"Aria,"I heard Pan say. I let own a yawn and a good stretch. Pan was sitting at the edge of my bed resting his arms on his knees. He seemed deep in thought as he twirled something in his hand. I rose my head to see what it was, but he quickly shoved it into his pocket.

"Are you alright,"I asked. I moved closer so that I was now sitting next to him. I stared at his clenched fist. He was hiding something. "Pan what's wrong? Whatever it is you can tell me."

"Rumplestiltskin is here,"he hissed. "I wasn't sure of it yesterday while you were gone, but after tonight I'm sure of it. It was just like Neverland I can feel him here- at least in Storybrooke."

This made no sense he was banished. How could he get back in? "You think he's working with the evil trio?"

"I don't think-- I know. There's no mistaking that horrendous vile feeling the dark one gives."He hissed.

"We have to warn the others. If Rumple is here, theres no telling what he can do with the evil trio at their side."

"I agree and I think I know where to start considering it's where all the fun stuff happens,"He smirked,"Care to zap us to the woods by the house?"

I hooked my arm through his and with a quick flick we appeared on a dirt trail surrounded by trees.

"Come on,"he said,"we have to be quiet or they'll spot us."

He sneaked away towards the cabin house where we were met by Cruella's  car parked in front.

"Way to be slick,"I said nodding  to the car. Pan smirked. He went off and as I followed him we found ourselves
Crouching below a window. We peeked inside being ever so quite or they'll catch us. Inside Cruella, Ursula, Regina, and Gold were gathered around an unconscious boy.

"That must be Pinocchio,"I said.

"And I was right, the damn dark one is alive,"he glared,"and here I thought we finally got rid of him for good."

"How'd he even get back into town?" I asked,"Belle banished him."

"Well let's not hope she finds out,"he said,"I have a feeling a welcome back Mr,Gold surprise party might not be a good idea."


Pan grabbed my shoulder,"let's get out of here. We got what we need. We know Gold is alive and now we gotta make sure the others know. I'm pretty sure Regina will gladly update us on her double life feature later."

"Right,"I nodded,"I just hope they don't hurt him. I mean he's just a kid."

Pan grinned,"oh love, I think you and I both know what children are capable of doing. Just a little believing here and there and even the youngest little guy can do great things."

"What's with all this optimism?" I asked quite surprised.

He rolled his eyes,"I think being in this damn town surround by all these heroes is rubbing off on me. Disgusting."

I laughed,"come on,"I grabbed his hand and zapped us back into town. We were in the middle of the road staring down. Pan who was once beside me was now gone. Disappeared.

"You're getting stronger,"said that familiar voice. I turned around and found myself face to face with Evan,"I guess that evil
Queen taught you a thing or two after all."

"She's not evil,"I corrected,"she's changed. Unlike you."

Evan smiled and licked his lips,"you've changed as well. You know everything I see you I see a lost girl. And I don't mean one of Pan's little minions. I mean a really love deprived sad little girl struggling to see where she belongs. You the no these heroes are going to expect you? They don't know you. I know you."

"You know nothing about me. Just as I k ow nothing about you,"I argued,"and what was that? That thing you said about find where I belong. I belong here in this town with the people who love me."

"Why because I wasn't good enough? Because me always being there
For you when you needed me the most wasn't good for you?"

"Are you being stupid right now?" I laughed,"you unbelievable. You only pretended to be there for me remember? You used me and lie to me to get what you want. To save your sister you only ever cared about her and your revenge. It's always been about you not me."

"It's always been about you!"Evan yelled,"you were my gateway. My gateway to strength and power. I saved you! I helped you escape from a life you were miserable in. And look where it brought you."

"You plans brought my to a world where I'm no longer safe. Where I have to keep watching my back or a damn creature
Will come after me," I said," so let's just face the truth already. I was nothing but a tool for you to use to finally get rid of Pan."

"Pan was only part of the story,"he finally calmed down,"in the end I was supposed to find and we were supposed to be together. Not you and him. Now what do you even see in him? The same evil boy who was supposed to live forever? He had everything. Power and a world he ruled. Why did he leave all that for you? Surely you must have thought of it."

By this point I had my fist all balled up,"Pan cares about me-"

"Really,"he asked chuckling,"cAuse all he's ever done has always been for himself. What makes you think that's he's changed for you?"

"Shut up!" I finally let go throwing a flame right towards him. He ducked and laughed. "I won't let you manipulate me!"

"Who ever said I was. It's all from the heart and it's not my fault you can't admit that you miss me. After all i was your first love. Or was that a lie?"

"I did love you,"i said monotone,"but now you mean nothing." His eyes filled with rage and as I went for a second attack he vanished. I dropped to my knees to catch my breath. He was trying to get to my head I just know it and I couldn't allow it. I was much stronger than him. This was a fight I couldn't let him win.

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