The Date

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I was late to class. No I was beyond late. I quickly walked to class mentally cursing at myself. Emma was going to kill me.

I walked in. Some eyes were on me as I quickly made myself to my seat. The teacher gave me a look but proceeded on with the lectures. I sank into my seat doodling and looking out the window. It was still cold out and the trees were waiting for the day to bloom. It seems like it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Emma, David, and Elsa were going to go out to take care of the ice wall. They set out this morning, but I haven't heard from it sense. I yawned and continued drawing what came out to be a long squiggly sword with a red pendant at the end of the handle.

"Did you see the new guy. He's apparently new in town but people are questioning why he's here," One of the girls said who sat in front leaning over to her friends next to her.

"Do you think it has to do with the ice wall? I heard yesterday the sheriffs were trying to fix it. Or that ice monster, maybe he created it?"

"I don't know but he's a reckless driver." The girl in front of them said.

Reckless driver...that sounds a lot like what Emma had told us about yesterday with the kid who almost crashed into her. I wonder...

My phone buzzed. I quickly took it out and glanced at it.

"Hey it's me. I need you to come over here now. I'm at the park down by the pier. It's urgent. -Pan," it read. Pan? When did he get a phone? I quickly grabbed my bag ignoring all eyes that were on me and walked out. As I let the door shut I heard the whispers from students and the yells of the teacher calling my name. Pan needed me.

As I walked down the halls I accidentally crashed into someone. I stumbled a bit but maintained my self,"sorry!" I called out before running off, not bothering to get a look of the persons face.

I sped towards the pier coming up with all the different scenarios Pan could be in. Could it be Gold? Or maybe the lost boys had ganged up on him. I smirked. No the lost boys are afraid of what Pan can or used to be able to do.

I stopped at the curb and ran towards the playground.

"Pan," I yelled.

From behind the slide Pan walked out smirking. He seemed perfectly fine. I quickly looked around us. Fisherman were walking by minding their own business. Everything was normal.

"What the hell?" I growled.

"No not hell, just me," he smirked mischievously,"although people due rather say I can be similar to it."

He walked over to me grabbed my waist and pulling me against him.

I stared hard at his face biting my cheek,"you said this was urgent."

"It is urgent," he smiled down at my face," I needed to see you."

I pushed him away causing him to raise a brow. "Pan I have to go back to school. I can't disappoint Emma." I began to walk away.

"But," he pulled at my hand," you are willing to disappoint me?"

I gave him an are you kidding face. He licked his lips and clenched his jaw,"Fine. I won't do it again. But since I have you here... Why don't we do that thing where couples go out? What is it called courting in order to have possible offspring in the future?"

I nearly choked on my own spit the way he said it,"you mean, a date?"

"That's what she called it."



Of course. Who else would give him the idea. Something bothered me though. He didn't-

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