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Pan and I were both facing each other in the middle of the road.

"They are going to kill us all," I heard Leroy shout,"let's get them!"

"Why don't we take this elsewhere?" Pan suggested amused by the large crowd running towards us.

"Id love to." Before Leroy and the townspeople could reach us Pan used magic and teleported us to the docks. The wind was going crazy bringing the waves crashing on to shore.

"You know, Aria,"Pan said circling me,"you have no idea how much joy it brings me to finally be able to end this."

"Are we going to get to the point or are we just going to keep talking?" I asked drawing my sword.

He laughed,"if that's all you got, this is going to be over before you know it." His eyes turned cold, dark, and murderous. He conjured up a dark green ball of flames and was sent flying towards me.

I allowed my hand to send magic throughout the sword as a blue blaze
Swirled around the blade. I blocked it and ducked.

I could hear Pan chuckle,"impressive."
In a matter of seconds my sword and pulled away from me and thrown over the dock. "No!" I yelled running after it. Instead of lunging forward a force sent me back. My back slammed against the concrete wall that sent a wave of pain throughout my body. I could feel the blood rush out of my head as I heaved.

"Son of a-"

"Now now," Pan said stalking towards me,"weren't you ever taught manners?"

I smirked,"That's  funny coming from you." I used my magic to break free and  quickly sent a wave of my magic that pushed Pan to the ground. He cursed.

"Oh I'm sorry Pan, but weren't you ever taught manners?" I mocked.

He chuckled again and brought himself up. He winced grabbing a hold of his shoulder. "You are going to pay for this,"he growled.

I felt a warm substance leak from my nose. I wiped it away with my sleeve. Blood. I flinched as Pan brought his own sword out and tackled me onto the ground. I grabbed his wrist and pushed him off. I balled up my fist  and slammed it to his face. He was caught off guard when I pulled the sword away from him and let it fall against my side. He smirked,"do you really want me to die that badly?" He asked. I let the sword fall.

What was I doing? I kneeled down to my knees and placed my hand on his cheek. He had a dark bruise from where I had hit him. He didn't flinch once as I stroked his cheek.

"Aria,"he whispered.

"Pan." A strange emotion was clouding up my thinking. It was only us in the world. Me staring into his gorgeous green hazel eyes and only wanting it to be us forever. A feeling I was finally beginning to understand.

"Aria," he whispered again in a raspy voice,"you really are gullible." He brought his hands around my neck tight as I struggled against him. I wasn't going to allow this to happen again.

"Pan I won't let you do this,"I croaked. With the last strength I had in me I brought my hand forward and reached for his heart. I pulled out his beating heart. It was dark in a few spots and beating rapidly in my hand.

Pan looked disgusted as he looked at me. I knew this wasn't Pan. This wasn't my Pan.

"I am so sorry," I whispered. What was I going to do now? Crush it? Keep him under my control forever?

"Sorry love," I heard someone say as I I felt blood burst from my arm. I fell to the ground and grasped my bleeding arm. "But I can't let you do that." Evan held the sword in his hand as he stared down to my eyes.

Unshadowing  PanWhere stories live. Discover now