The Relic

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I had decided to spend the day with Belle since there wasn't much to do, or rather I hadn't heard from anyone. In their defense, I hadn't exactly made myself available. I left before anyone would wake up to notice. I didn't want to be a bother. Lately all I've been doing is bumming people out. Plus I needed to lay low for a while. I couldn't risk being face to face with Pan after everything that has happened. I made a promise to Evan, I have to keep it. He is after all the only one who could return my memories. The only problem, I have no idea where he is. I have to find him.

"Avoiding everyone won't help," Belle said suddenly as she reached up to place a jar on a shelf.

I sat behind the counter on a stool going through a book I had found in the library earlier.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said flipping a page.

I looked up to her giving me a look. She pursed her lips and frowned. Just about as I was preparing myself for unsolicited advice, the bellon the door chimed,

At the moment someone entered the shop, the evil queen. "Have you found anything?" she asked.

"No, not yet. But I'm still searching," answered Belle.

Regina sighed, defeatingly. She walked around to shop aimlessly, but still looking around. It was then that her eyes settled on me that I saw a small sparkle in her eye.  A smile appeared on her face, causing me to worry. She turned to Belle.

 "You don't happen to still have that candle that Snow used to kill my mother?"

Somehow I wasn't surprised. "What?" I asked for clarification. 

"Long story, that's not important. What's important is the Zelena had managed to take my heart and is planning to use it for something big," Regina replied as Belle walked past her to grab something.

I had to take a pause. "Wait a minute," I said. "Zelena stole your heart?" 

"Yes, this morning she paid Robin a visit." There was anger that resonated with her, which made me second guess asking, but I suppose I was too curious. 

"I'm guessing it wasn't welcoming?" I replied. She didn't have to say anything to reveal what she meant by the strong look in her eyes. 

"I have it, but it's just a relic," Belle said opening a cabinet and pulling out the candle. It was black on one end and white on the other, though where it met was this silver metal band decorated with a red jewel all around. It was a beautiful candle. 

Regina took it, examining it, she smiled.  "I need you to help me contact a spirit," she looked towards me, smirking.

"Wait," I frowned. "What?"

She gave me a stern look. "My mother. It's time we have a little mother to daughter conversation. "

"Do you think she may know what Zelena wants? Or why she has Rumple?" Belle asked worriedly.

"Yes, but I need help with the contacting, and because you have magic," she pointed towards me. "It may make the connection stronger."

I shook my head.  "I already told you, I don't use magic."

"Oh? So do you want me to pretend you didn't sneak into my house and use my potions?"

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