De Vil

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AN: I had a chapter up but quickly deleted it when I realized it wasn't chronological. It's been a while since I've worked on this so I forgot what I've covered, sorry haha. I fixed it so for new readers you have nothing to worry about. Anyways... back to the story (In the right order).

"You have to remember something else about the Author, some way to find him. Now think." Emma was angry after finding out about the... sacrifice. 

I had only just gotten out of a group project that I had to finish for school when Pan met me at the school and told me that everyone was meeting at the Charming's house.   When they arrived, Emma made no hesitation in confronting Mary Margaret and David.

"We told you everything we know," said David.

"Are we sure about that? Because secrets just keep coming out."

Mary Margaret stepped forward. "Okay. You're clearly still upset."

Upset was an understatement.

 "Yes, I am still upset. You were the ones who taught me there is always a right way. A heroic way. And what you did to Maleficent's child..."

"It was our only option to make sure you grew up... Good," said David.

Emma shook her head.  "I'm sorry, but if it were me, no matter what, I would not harm a defenseless person."

"And that right there... That goodness is exactly why we did what we did."

The sound of the door opening and closing was heard behind them. It was Regina and she was also not in a good mood. 

"Regina, where have you been?" asked Emma.

 "I'm in the middle of a very bad day. I'll tell you the whole story later, after I rescue Robin Hood."

"Robin Hood? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I called that number you gave me, but Marian answered the phone, and I discovered... She's not really Marian at all."

None of it was making sense. "So who is she?" I asked. 

Regina pursed her lips. Even trying to say who it was was hard for her.  "Zelena."

I turned to look at Pan who was glaring at the ground. After all the trouble to return to the past and Zelena had the upper hand the entire time. 

"The wicked witch?" Pan asked. He was angry.

 "I don't know how it's possible, but my sister has been masquerading as her this entire time. And she's in league with Gold. Robin's in danger, so I'm going to New York to find him and stop her. 

Hook raised his hand. "And what about Gold? If they're working together, he's not just gonna let you waltz off and spoil his plans."

"I wouldn't worry about Gold. I know exactly how to handle him."

"What do you think Regina has planned?" I asked Pan. When we left the house Pan was adamant about taking me to the docks. There, we sat, peacefully feeling the breeze from the ocean. It was nice not worrying about Evan or whatever else was going on. 

"Whatever it is, it won't be pretty. Regina may not be a villain, but she could still think like one." He played his knuckles as he stared ahead of him. He seemed to be thinking about something, but he looked so nice I didn't want to ask.

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