The Mansion

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"Pan I'm fine,"I argued flinching as he pressed down on my bandages. My arm was throbbing from the pain I was currently in. Since yesterday I had been monitored closely by everyone, especially Pan due to my injuries. They were all worried since I had gotten so hurt from the slices on my arm caused my Evan.

Pan took time off from Granny's Diner and started working alongside Emma and David at the sheriffs station instead. He wanted to personally monitor Evan and watch over things in town to make sure they were peaceful. It was also his way of making it up to the town for all the troubles he caused when his memories were taken away.

"Aria,"he said,"just hold still." He wrapped the bandage nicely around my arm. He took his eyes of my wound for a second to pack away the first aid kit Emma had left him before heading off to work.

"Thanks Boy Scout,"I teased admiring his handy work.

"Hilarious,"he said,"but I am not one of those pathetic little spawns."

Pan was mostly back to his usual ways, but some of his cocky arrogant attitude remained. Not that I really mind. If anything I actually liked it.

I watched him pack away the aid kit when my head began to ring. I put my hand against my temple and groaned.

"You alright, love?" Asked Pan.

I shook my head and blinked a few times,"yeah," I said,"just fine."

I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall,"you should head down to the town line,"I said,"they may need you."

Elsa was finally taking down the town wall. But who knows what else may happen even if Elsa and her sister and sister's fiancée may go home now.

"Prince Charming and the Savior can take care of themselves," he
brushed aside,"plus I have to make sure the other savior is well."

Pan took the whole story pretty Great. In fact they all did, though that was because I left out just one tiny detail. I had mentioned my sister, my dad, but I did not mention the apprentice or my mother who was one of the old dark ones that had died.

"I can take care of myself,"I pointed out getting up. "I was actually going to meet up with Henry."

"Well then,"he said grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to him,"I'll see you later then. You sure you'll be alright?"

"Of course,"I grinned,"see you later." He gave me a quick peck and walked out the door. I sighed and grabbed my coat.

I walked into the Diner and found Henry talking to some friends. Some of the boys were recognizable from Neverland. "Hey Henry,"I said sitting down beside him.

He turned around happily,"I was waiting for you to come. I got something to show you!" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me with him. We walked out the Diner leaving behind his friends.

"Henry what's going on?" I asked. He took out the Storybook and got inside my car. I followed behind and got int. As I sat, I allowed my hands to rest on the steering wheel.

"Care to explain?" I asked leaning forward and resting my head on my hand.

"I'll explain on the way," he said,"but right now we have to go to Gold's shop."

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