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Waking up I rolled over and collided against someone else. For a moment everything was foggy until slowly as I woke up I remembered what had happened last night as well as my dream. I jolted up and looked over at Pan who remained asleep. Upon seeing his sleeping face, I was enamoured by him and everything that had occured. I was a sensitive vulnerable mess yesterday, and a part of me was so happy and relieved with the way he took care of me. His patience was more than enough. But realizing that filled me with guilt. I was ready to be with him, but now I was at a loss. My dream was a memory that returned to haunt me. It felt like more of a punishment. 

Evan was someone I could vaguely remember, but that memory I knew clear. I failed Evan and betrayed him, but I was not sorry. I was careful to get out of the bed. I couldn't face Pan, not now. As strong as I had claimed to be, I can't face him.

 I walked out his room quietly.

Sneaking out reminded me of all the times I  would always sneak out the apartment in New York to go out with Ty. Emma would always find out even if Henry would always keep it secret for as long as he could. 

As I tiptoed to the front door my eyes widened as the door handle turned. I looked around for a place to hide but it was too late. Hook had come in and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Oh bloody hell," he cursed. 

"Don't tell Emma," I said quickly before he could explode.

His eyes widened as he looked towards Pan's door and back at me. He struggled for words, "Were you here all night? Don't tell me..."

"No!" I yelled loudly. I quickly covered my mouth and cursed at myself. I hope I hadn't woken up Pan.

"Oh love, Emma will be quite disappointed in you."

"That's why you are not telling her!" I argued.

I could see the internal struggle and desperation. "I can't not tell her. If you hadn't noticed she has been warming up to me and i don't want her to hate me."

"I know, but what about me? She'll kill me and Pan."

"Love, I want to be on your side, but if she finds out that I know, she'll kill all of us."

"Whatever happened to a captain never abandons their crew?"

Hook's eyes glistened proudly at the remark. "Ah you got me there, however Emma is arguably more scarier."

I sighed, "Look. Emma has too many things on her mind. You don't want to add another now do you? I promise I won't stay over again."

He narrowed his eyes, "Bloody Hell. What are you going on about? Did something happen that I don't know about?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused until he looked at me knowingly. I smiled finally catching on. He was giving me a pass. "Thank you," I smiled.

He scoffed, "Just scurry on now. I gave you the pass, but now I have another scoundrel to deal with."

I didn't hesitate and walked past him. Before closing the doors I could hear him mumbling under his breath. I felt bad for leaving Pan without saying anything, but I just needed a moment to clear my head. 

As I walked out the apartments I saw that It was raining again. I had decided to go to Granny's to Pay Ruby a visit. I needed a cover up. There was no way Emma was going to find out where I was last night.

Walking in to the fine the smell of pancakes and coffee filled the room.

Ruby was serving up a man's coffee behind the counter. I walked over to the counter.

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