Chapter 3

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First of all, five year ago, i stole from the mountain... How did i do it? I didn't even have to go inside to do so and I'm glad i didn't have to. I guess i didn't really steal from Thorin Oakenshield because the gold in that mountain isn't really his at the moment. It belongs to Smaug the magnificent and I'm pretty happy i didn't have to venture face to face with a fire breathing dragon. Rather i stayed out of the mountain and collected from hidden pockets in the stone and under stone. Being an assassin this was a strange task to have been given, to collect coins of shining gold in a rather safe way but i was happy to take it on. My employer is one whom i do not know and his face i've never seen as i was only spoken to in fairly anonymous ways. I had never heard of the secret places in the stone around the base of the mountain that held hidden treasure but i was surely glad to find out. I was payed with a fraction of what i collected, enough to fill one chest to the brim. But now it was clear to me that nobody even knew that i had stolen this loot at all...

I guess i have no worries at all about being chased or hunted then... Thank goodness for that.

But, there is one reason i may be hunted now and i must say, i'm not exactly proud of it. Its become a burden to me and now, i try to shut the terrible memory away. Nobody can ever know about this and if they do, so help me. I would be locked away for the rest of my life.

Just two years ago, i was given an assignment by a dwarf who lived in Dain. I did not know his name as usual but i had the privilege of seeing his face when i met him while passing by to meet with another. I was in a pub that night and trying to drink my ale alone in a corner when a cloaked figure came up to me and gave me the task to kill Mr and Mrs Naphoebe Baggins, my parents. I was startled at first but when i was told for what reason and the profits i would receive, i accepted the task, not without inner turmoil it would seem. For what reason should i see my parent's lives end?

They lived with the Mirkwood realm and elves had betrayed the Dwarves when the king under the mountain had tried to reclaim their homeland, Erebor. You see, my parents where a team of skilled medics who could concoct any healing solution you desired and were  on the side of the elves at the time. They had been hired by King Thranduil to join them in all wars to save their kind and tend to any wounded. Later on, they abandoned Thranduil as they grew older and desired to create a family. I was the product. Then, my father turned violent. I don't think that i'll ever know what provoked this terrible change but it happened. He never hurt me very often but was fond of pushing around my mother. When he did so, i always squinted my eyes shut firmly and huddled into a ball on the floor and tried to become invisible. As soon as i was old enough, i decided i should be able to defend myself... My mother encouraged me to learn how to wield a sword and i practiced when my father wasn't home... I often put all of my anger into that wooden sword i had and then later, into a sharp metal blade. I left the hobbit hole and stayed in Bree as my mother told me to do when it was time i left. That was were i met a tall man who was cloaked. He has a brown beard and talked with a deep voice. With that voice, i received my first assassination mission. I accepted it blindly. I was ordered to kill a child and I shamelessly did it for the money. Then, a dwarf came and told me to kill my parents. I obeyed. However, my mother's death was one i was not responsible for. It was suicide. I attended the funeral just two days later wearing all black and left them, saying sorry for what i did and kissed them each. Tears had rolled down my face but do not think for just a second i would possibly regret what i had done.

I stared into the face of the two young dwarves and quickly realized that my face must've look completely bizarre so i looked away from the princes.

"Oh my god." I repeated a fake smile splinting across my face. "You're the dwarfish Princes!" I reached my sweaty hand out to shake theirs as the two glanced at each other. "Pilda Baggins at your service." Fili nodded to me and stepped in past me. Bilbo came rushing out to see them. It was all an act but i needed to cover up my mistake.

"Careful with these, i just had em' sharpened." His voice echoed in the small house. Kili pushed past as well, not unkindly and proceeded to scrape of the mud off his shoes on a strange box.

"It's nice, this place. Did you do it yourself?" Kili said to Bilbo and i just sort of followed Fili out to wherever he was off too. I should at least take care of Bilbo's home best i could.

"No, it's been in the family for years. That's my mother's glory box, can you please not do that?!" I could hear Bilbo boiling from the kitchen.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked Fili as I followed him to the pantry.

"What do you mean?" He asked, setting eyes on the other dwarves. I was about to speak but never did as i was interrupted by the ring of the door.

"Oh no. No, no! There's nobody home. Go away, and bother somebody else. There's far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is. If- if- If this is some clotterd's idea of a joke, ha ha, I can only say, it is in very poor taste." Bilbo was running around like a snake with its head cut off...

"I never heard about any gatherings at my uncle's home." I said to Fili, putting my hand on his shoulder and puling him to turn around.

"Were gathering here so we can set off to Erebor. We needed to pick up Bilbo... Your going to be lonely for a long time Miss." He said.

"Wait, has Bilbo actually agreed to this?" I asked, curiosity taking over. Whatever this was...

"Well, i can assume... The wizard took care of it." I wasn't getting much information on his presence in my uncles home  so i just turned and walked away over to the door where there was a large series of yelps and groans. As i entered, there i saw Bilbo standing with a displeased expression on his face looking up to a tall cloaked figure. It was Gandalf the gray...

After just a few minutes the pantry had been cleared and so had Bilbo's patience... They had finally all gathered into the dinning room around the big wooden table. I walked out there and stood by the door, opposite from Gandalf. I had laid eyes on him before but never spoken to him directly. 

"Spose you could explain all this?" I said as he glanced towards me.

"Uh, yes" the wizard spoke, looking at his tiny empty glass that once was wine... "They are here for an adventure. Had Bilbo not told you of this and why hadn't i seen you the other day?"

"He never spoke of your encounter and i was not even in the Shire all day." A surprised expression slid on his face.

"Well where were you?"

My mind spun... What excuse could be good enough?

"Im a transporter. I bring packages and letters all over." It was the best i could think of in a dire situation...

"A transporter." He seemed content with that. "Well then you must be familiar with these lands?" I was just about to answer but Fili had climbed up in front of me onto the table with multiple ale in his hands.

"Ale? Anyone want some ale?" I reached across him and snatched one for myself and he gave me a fairly strange smile. "Alright then" he nodded to me and continued to walk across the table.

"Yes, i am familiar with these lands." I answered Gandalf.

"Well, we are setting out on an adventure and there would be no harm in having a second burglar..."

"What needs burgling?" I asked with even more curiosity than before.

"The arkenstone." He said it in a deep voice. "The king's jewel."

I nodded in approval. "Well, i should be honoured." Gandalf's eye brows raised even higher.

"This is a dangerous task and a difficult mission. And we certainly cannot guarantee your safety."

I gave a soft laugh, "Believe me, you have absolutely nothing to worry about."

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