Chapter 18

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What have I done! What have I done! Damn me! Put me in prison or tie me up for god's sakes because I haven't got even the slightest lick of sense left in my damn head. 

First, I jumped. 

Then I hid. 

Then I cried.

Then I got to my feet.

Then I went to find them.

Then I found them.


I was cold. 

So cold. 

Then I was welcomed. 

Then it all went black. 


"Get some ice on her head, the old stuffs gone and melted. She'll be fine now forget about her, would you? Focus on the man who's temperature is over a thousand degrees and who's howling at the moon." 

"I'm sorry, sir but there isn't much I can do for him, now is there?"

"I suppose not... Watch Pilda until she wakes."

Screams filled the air and they made my head hurt and so when I tried to move my head, splitting pain shook through my body. I think I may have cried out. 

"Sit still, Pilda. Please, stay still." I opened my eyes just a bit and a blurry world was all I could see. I made out the little one's face that hovered over me and she had my hand held in her's and I realize how firmly I had been clasping it. I let go. 

"Oh, Tilda. What happened?" 

"You hit your head, we think. Nobody saw what happened. Well, Im sure that someone saw but they just aren't here..." She spoke little too quickly for me to understand because of the monotone ringing in my ears that made my head pound harder. 

"What?" I muttered.

"Hit your head." She spoke loud and clear and i heard it well enough.  I remembered the moment gradually at first and then all at once. 

"It was the doc, Tilda. I tripped on it when I jumped and slammed my head into the doc. Then I-I..." Tilda brushed my hair back from my face and shushed me as I babbled nothingness, unable to form many clear words. 

"Oin is here." I sputtered after a moment trying to cock my head and see the old dwarf. "And Kili and Fili." 

"Don't forget about Bofur. He missed the boat due to a rather large intake of alcohol and an even larger sleep in." She giggled softly and I had to admit that my heart was lifted at the sound. Such a pretty young thing. 

"Can he come to me?"


"Oin, of course." I spoke with strain, feeling my head knot up into a thousand bits. I watched Tilda look to her left and her face turned to a messy frown. 

"He's a little busy at the moment." 

There were more screams to whom I knew they belonged.

"Kili, how does he look, Tilda. Will he be alright?" I whispered to her and she gave me a scary look, one that made my stomach churn. Like a whip that cracks in the air, I had to look at the brothers. My head snapped to the side and I cried softly, finally able to catch a glimpse of the two. 

Tilda knelt down, blocking my line of sight as Kili screamed again and Fili clasped his brother's hand. The boy was a state.

"Sleep now." She said, eyeing me with her big glum eyes. "Please go to sleep now." 

I watched the scene unfold as I slowly closed my eyes reluctantly again. Bofur ran off in search of some sort of weed and Oin continued to hold down the screaming dwarf. 

I wished I hadn't jumped. I wished I was with the others battling a dragon. It was more my speed. 


The next time I awoke was to a series of wild screams in my ear and being violently dragged off of the table when an orc fell through the roof. Pain coursed through my head as I rolled to the floor, being tugged along by a slim, girl's hand. I cried out and opened my eyes, pushing down the pain and sensing all of the danger around me. I'd been thrown into a war zone and someone was trying to drag me under a damn table? Not today. 

I clawed through the table and chairs and saw an orc's slimy leg, completely ignoring me as plates smashed into it's face. My hand darted out and i clasped it's knee, hammering to the ground and Fili swiftly jumped down atop it with a kitchen knife secured in one hand. He glared at me and I knew he wanted me to sit down and let him handle this. He probably would be right but I just wanted to kick some ass instead of being a stupid patient. 

I snatched the lamest, oldest blade I could have grabbed off of the Orc's belt and tried to get to my feet. It was hard but I did it and eventually I managed to toss it into an Orc's shoulder. My balance was all thrown off and the effort it took to stand up was almost not even worth it. I joined Oin in tossing plates and used some of the sharp pottery to cut the ankles of Orcs from under the table. I even got Tilda to do so with me but Sigrid clung onto her sister, a little too shaken to act upon the moment. 

I felt useful... In a way. 

Soon enough the elves showed up for some unknown reason. The red haired one that Kili was admiring from Mirkwood and the blond prince. God knew it would be them...

I had a brief flashback to the elf whom I'd tried to seduce back in the prison and cringed. Leave it up to me to do something as foolish as that.

The two elves slayed Orcs left and right, fearless in their battle. Soon enough the stupid Orcs tried to retreat and the prince had his heart on slaying them all while when the red haired one took a glance to Kili, her only wish was to stay. 

"Tauriel." He says to her, fixing his eyes on her. She stayed where she stood and gave the prince a strange look before he dropped his eyes and ran off. What a strange pair. How distant they seemed...

Sigrid grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet and I stared at her confused. "You should not have done that. Off to bed with you."

I scoff, surprised by her words. 

"And who on earth are you, might I ask? My mother? A nurse?" 

"The one who actually wants to take care of you and your stupid head so go to the bedroom and go to sleep on the blue bed. We have a man here who got shot with an arrow to help his friends and you who made a stupid decision to jump off a moving boat and on to a slippery doc. Off to bed and don't complain." 

Needless to say, I stepped on her foot like a little brat and went to sleep in the little blue bed. 

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