Chapter 12

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"Go now, while you have the light. The hunters are not far behind." Beorn said preparing the last pony and Both Ori and Nori jumped up onto it, their pony stuttering under the weight.

We rode through the early day until we reached the edge of the forest with strange trees looming over the plaines as if there was a distinct line between the two kinds of lands that stretched on through the distance and kept the two places from mingling into one. I kept my eyes away from Fili as the tension between us grew as the silence lingered on.

"The elven gate" Gandalf announced, "here lies our path through Mirkwood." I glanced as far into the bushy trees as i could and almost shivered thinking of what could lie in the wood.

"No signs of Orcs. We have luck on our side." Dwalin said with a bright laugh that made my eyes dart further in through the trees. No orc? It seemed too fortunate to me.

"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." Gandalf said as he jumped off his horse. I reluctantly obliged and let my pony run away, her long mane of brown and back flowing in the wind gracefully as she started to trot of along side the others.

As we entered the forest, some of us started questioning the place.

"This forest feels...sick, as if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?" Bilbo asked as he walked a bit closer to me and i gave him a reassuring smile that seemed to steady his weariness.

"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south." Well. That was not a possibility so we just trotted on into the line of trees.
"The High Fells. So be it." Gandalf muttered under his breath and stood uncomfortably for a moment that made me stand still and stare at him. What had he meant? Is there danger here? "Not my horse! I need it!" Gandalf shouted out suddenly and made me dart forward to him.
"Your not leaving, are you?" I said, my voice sounding concerned as i reached to grab his arm but he walked away quicker to his pony before it was too far.

"I would not do this unless i had to." He replied making my insides fume.

"Where do you think your going?" I said ignoring his excuse with a touch of worry making me follow him.

"You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same Hobbit as the one who left the Shire." Gandalf said as he turned his body to my uncle and gave him a pat on the shoulder. 

"Gandalf!" I said again capturing his attention. "Where are you going!"

"To a place where i will be of more service, Pilda." He responded with a hint of frustration. I wished i could see inside his wizard head and know the truth but instead i decided to drop it and walk past the others and over to a tree covered in vines to see what he saw. I stood there as Gandalf spoke to Bilbo and turned in every direction until i spotted something out of the corner of my eye in the vines. Red.

I pushed back the foliage and stared at the strange red markings. Whatever it was, Gandalf knew and he was going to do something  about it. Letting out a frustrated sigh, i watched Gandalf mount his horse and  ride off from the lot of us. He wasn't trustworthy. Was i the only one to see that?

We pushed on as a group of half sized creatures into the forest but my mind was not on the task at hand...
"Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day." Thorin said with force.

"Durin's Day. Let's go!" Dwalin replied.

"This is our one chance to find the hidden door." And we would find the door. We will find the door. Thorin lead. At one point, the path turned a corner.

"The path goes this way." He told us and we followed. My head began to grow a bit dizzy as time drowned on and i admit i may have hallucinated a bit.

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