Chapter 24

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"Fili, I think something came over me today when I saw that gold. There was so much and it..." I trailed off when the back of my eyes started to sting and my throat began to ache. I knew if I continued I would cry and then I could never forgive myself.   

"I know, Pilda," Fili admitted and gave me a sympathetic look. I must have looked at dreadful as I felt because Fili quickly took me into an embrace in front of the chamber room's door. I felt his arms wrap around my body and I felt the urge to do the same. Snuggling my eyes into his furs that he hadn't yet gotten a chance to remove, Fili rubbed the small of my back like my mother used to do for me. My heart melted and I felt my eyes spill over with involuntary tears. I hadn't actually been hugged like this in a long time and I think that perhaps I missed it a lot. Fili moved his hand to brush my hair and I tensed a bit. 

"Come on," he took my hand in his and I loved the way it felt. There was so much emotion coursing through me now I had no idea what to do or say. Fili opened the door to a simple set of rooms in which I saw the same round table but a nice set of countertops to it's side. The bathing room was quite nice and had no dirty cobwebs around the tub but had a small little tapestry hanging on the wall. I walked over to it, still silently crying and touched the threads, then stood back to admire the image. It was of little girl whose hair was braided in pigtails and you could tell she was a dwarf. 

"Who is this?" 

Fili shrugged and spoke in a low voice, "Plenty of families would have these ade of their kin who died. She was probably loved by her parents very much until she passed away."

"She was very young." Speaking was a struggle and every word threatened to make e cry again but I ignored it.

"There were many ways for weak, young children to die."

"I know," I assured him, "there still are."

Fili took my hand again and brought me to the bedroom where a large, tall bed lay in the center of a room. There was a crib sitting in the corner that leaned to it's side, clearly broken and a painting sitting on the top of the canopy bed. I sat down and heard a little creak coming from the bed below me but looked up, taking the art in. It was a moldy green forest with a sunset hanging over the horizon. Pinks, oranges, purples, reds and blues mixed together, creating kaleidoscope of colour that kept my eyes staring.

"I think it's beautiful." I muttered as I looked down at the duvet. It was a pinky-red cover that I admired. "I like this room a lot. Thank you."

"No problem," He smiled down at me from the doorway, "We are searching the halls for the arkenstone now."

My head shot up.

"You will not be permitted to join us," He stated and I nodded, understanding that I was susceptible to the sickness. He turned to leave my new rooms and stopped at the door, calling out. "Stay away from the halls, Pilda. Do you understand me? Do not go near them. Never."

"I promise." 



A day passed where I did little to nothing other than bum around in my chambers, fixing them exactly to my liking. The table was moved, the counters were cleaned along with all the pots and pans. I even left the mountain for a few hours on search of some beautiful flowers to brighten my new rooms with. I had numerous vases to fill with flowers and made sure each one was filled with an array of flowers that i picked myself. I was going to ask Fili to join me but figured he was much too busy to waste time on such frivolous things. I was correct. Thorin had been spending more time with his sons, specifically Fili, trying to make him the perfect heir. I asked him if he'd like to come to my chambers for a little while in the evening but he simply told me that he was too busy with a full plate of chores. He and Kili were going hunting after and I asked him if I could join them instead but he told me that it would be best I didn't. However, he did offer that we meet the next day around noon and we could go for a brief stroll through the forgery if I wanted to see it. I took his offer in a matter of seconds without thinking. 

I stayed away from the gold and the halls even though Thorin kept demanding I help them search for it. Apparently Balin had explained to Thorin that I had fallen ill and was useless to him. Thorin asked him what kind of illness it was and Balin admitted to his king that I indeed wa susceptible to dragon sickness. Apparently Thorin had said I was weak and vulnerable and that if I was no use to him, I should get out of the mountain. Eventually Balin had been able to explain to Thorin that I had been a grand help to him during our reclamation of the mountain and that I should not have to leave. 

I was hanging onto my existence in Erebor by the skin of my teeth...


"This is it," Fili said while shoving the door having briefly let me go from his arm but as soon as the doors were open and I stepped through, Fili had his elbow crooked, ready for me to take it. "Here you have the forgery."

It was a dusty room like many of the others except this dusty room was full of strange metal objects and saws. There was everything here in this warehouse sized place and I held my breath a little overwhelmed. 

"Swords were forged here, famous swords and armour that saved hundreds, no. Thousands of lives. Where you come from you'd find no armoury this size," he looked at me and smiled with pride, "I have reason to believe this is the best forgery ever made."

"It's so nice to see you so exited," I laughed at him and held his arm a little tighter now. "I'm glad you're home."

"Come, now. You're glad that we're home."

I couldn't help but smile and look up at his eyes with a little bit of hope. "You really think so?"

"I think this is your home. You've earned it." 

As we walked for another few minutes, Fili started to guide me back to the doors as he had somewhere to be. 

"I'm glad to be home," I admitted, finally saying the words aloud. I was afraid to admit it but the place really felt like home to me now. Fili just gave me a lingering smile and I felt my stomach turn to knots as he stared at me for a few moments. My eyes scanned his face too and my heart skipped a beat, waiting and wondering what was going to happen. 

Out of the blue, Fili had one hand in my hair and one around the small of my back, drawing me a little closer. I knew what was going to happen and blood started speeding through my veins. Before I could mess anything up, Fili had his lips on mine and I just decided to enjoy the sensations. I felt my hands resting at my sides and quickly brought them to his face, a little eager for more. 

My mind raced and I felt like this was the only room in the world. Hell, I felt like we were the only people in the world. 

Bliss. Pure bliss.


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