Chapter 17

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After watching Kili be dragged along for a few minutes and following close behind, unsure of my welcome, the boys stopped outside of Bard's house, unsure of where to go for the time being. Earlier Fili had asked me to go into an Inn and ask if there was room for two but the innkeeper said it would cost more than the pennies we had in our pockets. I demanded he tell me his price because by the look of the creaky wooden mess of a place, it couldn't be more than what I had at my disposal. I'm wealthy, am i not? All those years of gathering change from side missions had built me quite the stack of change but when the man told me to simply bugger off, I knew something was up. 

"What's the matter? We're here to stay in your deserted Inn that's sittin' here in shambles and you're not going to let me pay you a pretty price for one night? I can't understand your rubbish, mate? You hit your head or what?" I demanded, very peeved off at this point and crossed my arms, unwillinging to leave. 

"You and your little friends are here to snog and have a time, aren't you? I don't want none of that scaring away the other customers. The friggin' creaky bedpost and the bouncing' mattress along with your bloody whorish moans ain't what we need around these parts." He spat the words in my face and gave my arm a forceful shove towards the door. As soon as his damn fingers wrapped around my arm, I had my hand clasped over his ugly face and tore it down against the splintery counter top. 

"Go to hell, you moron!" With that, i yanked my now released arm upwards after grabbing his hand and Pop!, his shoulder was dislocated. He screamed for help and tears sprang from his eyes as I sucked the life out of the old man. How dare he! How dare this bastard say those things to me! I drew my face close to his and forced his eyes to look in mine as I muttered a couple sentences, "My friend is ill and we we were finding him a place to stay. Of course, you wouldn't understand friendship, would you, you miserable old man?" 

As I finished my phrases, Fili stormed in through the door and caught one look at the man who I had pinned against his counter. I swiftly pulled back his head and then rammed it against the counter, knocking the man unconscious. 

"I thought you were getting us a room to put Kili in." He said dryly, a little frazzled at the sight of a man who was seeing stars. 

"I did. It just took a little longer than I'd hoped it would, mind you." I grabbed the man's feet and dragged him behind the counter and hoped he would be gone and stay gone until the morning. As I did so, Fili went to grab his brother who sat outside the Inn on a bench. 

"I would have come to help you except I knew that you could handle an old man on your own." Fili justified himself as we went up the moaning stairs to find a room. 

"Hmm." I muffled as I rammed my shoulder against a room's door, too lazy to get the key and the shitty wooden lock snapped. 

"What? Would you have rathered I come in an offered my assistance? I thought that would insult you and all..." He brought Kili into the crappy room and laid his down on a chair. 

"Of course she can handle herself, Fee. Don't be so stupid, you've seen her slaayyy." Oh, my did he ever get drunk... That was the worst of our worries right now, helping Kili and this simple minded comment made the both of us remember. 

"How could you have let him get so drunk when he's already poisoned like this? He was shot with an arrow, what did you think would happen to him without proper care? Alcohol won't help him any."

"Well, I could fight that statement..." 

I gave Fili a raw look and he pursed his lips, making me unsure if he agreed with my statement. 

"He needs rest. That's all we can do for now,"Fili said, moving past my glare. 

"Why didnt you keep an eye on him... You know that alcohol makes your heart beat faster, therefore making your blood race faster and bleeding out becomes a serious danger. I'm no nurse but I'm also not an idiot." That may have been too far, calling him an idiot and all. I'm trying to make myself approachable, not distant. "Sorry. You're not an idiot but you should have kept a better eye on him." 

He looked at me with tired eye and started to bring Kili over to the bed. "Sleep." 

I watched Fili stare at his brother until his eyes became heavier and then Fili glanced to me with a bored expression. "You should go now. I'm staying here to watch him but you should get your own room."

"Already done." 

As I closed the door behind me on my way out I heard Kili mutter something in a very soft voice, almost inaudible. "Two of you should get a bloody room." 

It made me smile. Hell, it made my heart dance. 


My foot touched the wooden boat the following day and my heart skipped a beat, filled with excitement for what would approach. Also, another part of me was scared shitless. Let's not talk about that half. 

I took my seat close to the front and watched as the others climbed aboard. 

"Not you. We must travel with speed, you will slow us down." My head perks up as Thorin says these words and I watch Kili smile and chuckle under his breath. What a joke...

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you." Kili's breath is short and his smile quickly fades as his uncle's eyes harden.


Fili, already in the boat, turns and stared with furrowed eyebrows at the scene. 

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin." Kili's voice was concerned and almost desperate, making my mind race. He would have to stay...

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed." Thorin laid a gentle hand on his nephew's shoulder and Kili's eyes start to become watery. He seems, shocked and betrayed. Oin stood up slowly, the boat softly rocking with his movement and he steps to the doc once more with a disappointed sigh. 

"I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded."

 "Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can't take that away from him!" Fili now sounds desperate as well and makes my face flinch. It was so true... Kili would slow us down and could not come, should not come. On the shore, Oin examined Kili, but he turned his face, obviously frustrated. 

"Fili." Thorin pleads. 

"I will carry him, if I must!" He has become a beggar. I can almost see Fili's heart snap as he pleads to his uncle, still so hopeful but ignorant at the same time. 

"One day you will be king, and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf, not even my own kin."With that statement, Fili bounded past Thorin and put an aggressive stand on the doc. 

"Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the Company." Thorin pressed, fear flashing in his eyes. 

"I belong with my brother." 

I go deaf to the world, filled with more pity than one can muster. Tim passes in fast motion and before I can react the boat is in motion. The water is being cut by the front and down we sail through the houses. Songs play and people cheer and I cannot give a single wave.

 I wait until the end of the doc to jump. 

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