Chapter 10

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We sat in silence for a long while, Fili's eyes not leaving his uncle for a moment and i couldn't help but take shy glanced to the dwarf as well. There was blood on his face... Dirty blood mixed with black mud. We soon passed a strange mountain then came across a tall rock.

I saw the leading eagle duck low to the peak and the first dwarf jump off.
"Where are we?" We approached and i was in awe of the strange beauty around me. We came close so i readied my feet on one side of the eagle to slide off as quick as i could. The wide wings flapped around then coming closer to the rock.

"The carrock... A rock peek, shaped like a bear." He said, following my actions. Then, as the eagle touched to rock, i let my body slide onto the solid ground, my feet instantly wobbling. I instantly glanced around the beautiful sight. The great gods would be in awe themselves I'm sure.

"Oh, Thorin Thorin!" Gandalf shouted as he slid off the eagle and Thorin was placed down.

"Thorin." Fili weekly muttered as he stepped closer. Gandalf rushed over to Thorin and placed his old hands down on Thorins face, making the backs of my eyes sting. My throat began to close and feel sore. Was he dead? All of a sudden, Thorin's eyes fluttered open and his mouth was desperately gasping for air, hands trembling.

I felt all the air rush out of my body in a heavy sigh and the stinging in my eyes release. He was alive...

As Thorin cloaked to regain his breath, i made eye contact with Fili, his eyes tense and fearful for what almost had happened. I then realized how hard life would be for Fili out of all of the dwarves if Thorin died. The key and the mountain, passed of to him leaving a tremendous amount of weight on his shoulders. Let alone the loss of a loved one who practically raised him beside his mother.

"The halfling?" Thorin sputtered out, slowly coming to his week feet. I shivered in the chill, or was it Thorin's commanding voice?
"Its all right, Bilbo is here. He is safe. As is Pilda." He never meant me, and i knew it. Thorins eyes landing on Bilbo in an instant.

"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed." I stumbled forwards to Bilbo slowly, fearing Thorin's suddenly hostile voice. "Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and that you had no place amongst us?" I felt my lips muttering under my breath about how ungreatful Thorin was being that Bilbo saved his life. How courageous he was to save him. My fists tightened looking at Thorin stepping closer to Bilbo. "I've never been so wrong in all my life!" I was astounded. And shocked. For the second time on the Carrock i felt myself indulge in relief as Thorin swooped his arms around Bilbo's trembling body. "I am so sorry i doubted you." He muffled.

"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior...not even a burglar." Bilbo frowned stepping away from Thorin's firm arms. Then, something caught Bilbo's gaze and he stood frozen in time for just a moment.

"Is that what think it it?" I follow Bilbo's eyes in a straight line and heard the awes of some dwarves as my own eyes collide with the Lonely Mountain. The peak scrapping through the clouds and the hard rocks peeking over absolutely everything. The light was illuminating the mountain but i realized, it looked so much closer than it was.

"Erebor—The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth." Gandalf smiled, admiring the kingdom as well.

I found myself imagining how deep the caverns ran, filled with sparkling gold.

"Our home." Thorin gasped.

"I remember the song now. The song you sang back in the Shire to us. I can practically hear your voices and how the song rings true." I let the words trail of my tongue, a small bird flying past the group of us. It's song mixing with the memory playing in my head.

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