Chapter 27

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After another day passed and Dain's army had still not shown, I began to grow worried that they would not even show at all. Would we be left alone to fend for ourselves when the inevitable war was to actually begin? I couldn't imagine facing off thousands of Orcs, Men and Elves. We would surely perish within a few minutes! I hope that Dain and his army show up or else we are definitely going to lose the mountain and our lives. 

"Come on, Pilda," A voice said from beside me and I turned to find Ori beckoning me to the gate. I hadn't been paying attention, was it time to go up to the lookout point above the wall?   Climbing the stairs felt like climbing to my death and every step made my stomach twist into a larger knot. When I stepped up to the lookout with my sword at my hip I almost died upon seeing rows upon rows of elves dressed for war. It was an army I could never have imagined in my entire life... Thranduil, the great elven king strode up to the mountain with Bard, both riding elegant animals. Thorin drew his beautiful bow and shot an arrow at the ground directly in front of Thranduil and Bard, who immediately halted in shock. Their faces darken and I gulp with nervousness.

"I will put the next one between your eyes!" Thorin threatened and drew his bow again, and the others shouted raising their weapons. I half heatedly did the same. Thranduil was glaring at Thorin angrily, then with a slight tilt of his head, several rows of Elves near the front of the army pulled out their bows, notched their arrows, and aimed at us, all in one fluid motion. The movements were mesmerising and I stared, absolutely phased in a trance.  I ducked down behind the ramparts and held my breath...  I heard the swishing of the elves' bows being returned to their sides and peeked my head up to see them all standing tall. The lines and rows were so uniform it made me feel intimidated as we stood, mismatched in everyday. Our weapons were all different, our armour was unique to each of us, our gate was a mess and the list went on. 

"We've come to tell you: payment of your debt has been offered...and accepted."

"What payment? I gave you nothing! You have nothing!"

"We have this." Bard reached into his robe and pulled out the Arkenstone, holding it above his head. I couldn't keep from gasping, more shocked than ever before. Thorin, surprised, lowered his bow wearily, obviously pondering on what to do, what to say...

"They have the Arkenstone?" Kili challenged, "Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the king!" He was much braver than myself who stood here shaking like a leaf and prepared to beg them not to hurt us or our mountain.

"And the king may have it - in our good will," Bard replaced the jewel inside his robes and I felt my eyes narrow on him, a little sceptical, "But first he must honour his word."

"They are taking us for fools." Thorin mutters to us with a sneer in his voice,  "This is a ruse, a filthy lie."

I suppose it is but what if they are telling the truth and they really do have the jewel? The king's jewel? 

"THE ARKENSTONE IS IN THIS MOUNTAIN! IT IS A TRICK!"  Thorin boomed to the elves, making sure they could hear his every word. But then, next to me I listened to Bilbo pipe up. He was quite, almost unsure and I watched him face shrink in fear. He told Thorin that it was the real thing and that they were not even lying. How did he know? Bilbo was a traitor... Bilbo apparently took the jewel as his fourteenth share of the wealth and gave it to them. He gave it to them! How foolish was he? 

"You would steall from me?" Thorin barked, anger clearly all over his face. In fact, I would go as far as to say that Thorin was raging mad at his burglar...

"Steal from you? No. No," Bilbo reassured him, "I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim."

"Against your claim?! Your claim! You have no claim over me you miserable rat!"  

Before anyone had a chance to think, Bilbo was giving his reason. It was more than reasonable and I started to wonder to myself about what would have happened to me if I'd let the sickness infect my whole body. Would I be as selfish, as mad as Thorin is in this moment?

 "You are changed, Thorin! The dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word! Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin!"  

I felt chills run through me and I bowed my head, forgetting about the armies that lay on the doorstep of our home. Before anyone dared to protest, Thorin was shouting at the lot of us to throw Bilbo from the ramparts. How could any of us do that? He was our friend and my uncle! Was Thorin mad? Yes... Thorin had indeed gone utterly mad. As everyone steps further away from him and Bilbo, Thorin looks around, surprised no one is obliging. 

"Do you hear me?!" Thorin barked at us and proceeded to reach and grab at Fili's arm, but Fili, panicked shook him away. I gasped as he did so, unintentionally putting my hands over my mouth, a little scared of what he would have done... "I will do it myself."

Thorin quickly launched himself at Bilbo, holding him by the cuff of his shirt and pressing him against the ramparts. "Curse you!" 

"No!" Fili and the others shouted trying to pull Thorin away from Bilbo who bore a petrified expression. 

  "Cursed be the Wizard that forced you on this Company!" 

Out of nowhere Gandalf's voice echoed through the scene and he had Thorin's attention as he commanded Thorin leave Bilbo be. As the two started to converse bitterly Bilbo scrambled away down the wall by the use of a rope. 

"Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised," Bard asked while Thorin ignored his demand. "Give us your answer! Will you have peace or war?"As Thorin bowed his head in thought, a large raven flew up to the ramparts and perches beside me. What a beautiful bird it was but as I stared at it, Thorin and the bird shared a glance, the raven's head coked. 

"I will have war!"  


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