Chapter 25

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Thorin was calling us to the gate as the sun beamed down on Erebor. I was in the process of preparing to help out with making food for this evening when Oin told us to come to the gate. 

"What's happening?" I asked him as we rushed to the gate.

"There are hundreds of survivors streaming into Dale as we speak, you know, from Laketown," Ori puffed while walking a little faster. Upon arriving at the ruins that once formed the magnificent gate, I found Thorin flinging stone after stone to form a wall. He was blocking them out...

"I want this fortress made safe by sunup. This mountain was hard won - I will not see it taken again,"Thorin barked at us and motioning to the large rocks and for us to begin. Few of us moved to start baring the people out.

"The people of Laketown have nothing. They came to us in need. They have lost everything," Kili pleaded, stepping a little closer to his Uncle, a move that I would say is dangerous.

"Do not tell me what they have lost. I know well enough their hardship. Those who have lived through dragonfire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for,"  his voice echoed through the room and each word rung in my head as if he was hissing. I wanted to cover my ears, a little scared that his tone could bring upon the mutual feelings inside me. "More stone to the gate!" 

I suppose that Fili sensed this and gave me lingering look before getting to work, shifting rock after rock. I couldn't bring myself to do such a thing but not out of sympathy or pity for the men of Laketown, but for fear that it would make me believe that the gold was mine and not theirs. I didn't want to see that come over me again and instead decided to sneak away unseen. It was a wise decision.


A day later the gate was blocked with stone and when everyone was away for supper. I wandered to the once elegant gate that I'd witnessed for myself many years ago when trekking about the foot of the mountain collecting gold. Ugly, misshapen blocks made up a tall, thick wall that kept out all intruders. It would keep out angry villagers but not an army of descent size of clever wits.  Perhaps they should have been wiser about making the wall but it had still turned out good enough... I found a small rock that had fallen out of place and pushed it back in, wanting to make sure I was not lying if anyone asked me if I had helped. 

I could sense someone was there behind me and decided to speak to them, unsure who was actually there. "This is wrong."

"I know..." It was Kili and he slowly approached me. I turned to face him after examining the diamond shaped hole in the base of the wall. "I'm ashamed that I helped build this thing even if it would have been done anyways if I refused to help. In fact, I fear it would have been a stronger gate if I had decided to sneak off like yourself."

"I still helped," I half-lied to him, motioning to the sole rock I'd pushed into the wall but as I did so, it tumbled out, back on the ground and making a large ringing thump. The hole was agape again and I looked to him, trying to keep  little giggle down, knowing this whole thing was not a laughing matter. 

"So much for that," He muttered and stepped up to stand next to me, staring out through the diamond shaped hole into the night. 

"I hope that it's rebuilt properly soon," I said, looking at the makeshift protection they had created to hold against hundreds of people out who stood almost double the height of us. \

"I hope we can keep the mountain long enough for that," He admitted with a sigh. "You know that we have got a war on the way?"

I shook my head, feeling confused.

"Armies of Orcs will want this mountain and they will come here and claim it. You know what an advantage this mountain is and since it's full of gold and jewels, the wealth is an even larger attraction. The Arkenstone was found here and that makes people wonder what other kind of wonders rest beneath these halls. They will come and take it from us if we cannot defend it with our lives and the only way we can defend this place is with luck and a lot of help. We'll need Dain to show up soon if we are to be saved from that destiny... And not to mention the villagers who expect their share or change and our king who refuses to deliver on our promises. Then the elves will show and they will expect something from us and we cannot defend ourselves against them if they declare war upon us." 

My head was spinning because I hadn't realised how much trouble we were in by simply sitting inside this mountain day after day. We need an alliance if we are to keep this mountain in our hands but as long as Thorin is ill with such greed I'm not sure an agreement will be struck. Especially not with the elves...

"What are we going to do, Kili?" 

"Fight. That is all we can do..."

"Let's hope that Dain and his men show soon." 

"Let's," KIli agreed, "and that his men are strong in number and will."


"Come on!" Thorin was barking orders again. We lay down our tools, to replace them with our weapons, and followed Thorin up the stairs they've created before up to a lookout point over the planes and dale. My heart pounded as I climbed the stairs, holding my breath until I saw what was on the other side of that wall and I saw the walls of Dale filled with Elves ready for war. Bard was riding up the path to the gate on a horse, and stopped just before us.

"Hail Thorin, son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." 

I doubt he truly is that happy. He only wants his pay from us, doesn't he. If it was up to myself I would deliver, do we not have enough gold?

"Why do come to the gates of the king under the mountain armed for war?"

In case there is a war, of course.

"Why does the king under the mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hole."


"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed."

"My lord - We have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?"

Thorin nodded and turned to walk back down the stairs and I shared a glance with Fili, then Kili who stood far from myself. He was going to fool this all up, wasn't he? The men are our only possible allies that may actually be of use to us, even though they would be of very little use. Anything could help us at this point in the game and I exhaled nervously, worrying about what was to come of this conversation through the diamond in the wall. 

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