Chapter 7

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"Seems a shame just to leave it lying around. Anyone could take it." I laughed at the dwarves obsession of gold as they spoke, "agreed, Nori, get a shovel"

While exploring, Thorin found two swords covered in cobwebs. I didn't think much of it and watched the others as they dug through loot.

I wandered a few feet further into the cave, but then i stepped on something that gave a harsh crunch under my feet. I looked down and lifted my foot curiously to review the skeleton of a fairly large rat with its skull shattered. I breathed shallowly at the revolting sight of bits of fur covering the bones. I screwed up my face and started to walk out of the cave as efficiently as i could as Thorin spoke, "Let's get out of this foul place. Come on, let's go. Bofur! Gloin! Nori!"

"Please." I whispered lowly and reached the light passing Gandalf. He was examining a few swords with an odd facial expression.

"These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age." He said to Thorin before he started to throw down the blade. "You could not wish for a finer blade." Gandalf spoke louder before leaving him and walker over to Bilbo with a small sword.
I tried to breath deeply as i reached out side the cave and found a more pleasurable scent of pine in a certain patch of trees.

" I have never used a sword in my life." Bilbo said beside me looking rather frazzled.

"And I hope you never have to. And if you do, remember this: true courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one." Gandalf spoke looking down on the hobbit with concern in his face. I accidentally let out a little "ptf" of laughter at that and muttered to my self. "I'd rather make sure that any enemy of mine was dead and out of time." Both of them heard even though i was fairly hushed. Then i heard a noise coming from my left... The rustling of trees grew nearer and banging as well.

"Stay together! Hurry now. Arm yourselves." Gandalf shouted at all the dwarves.

It had turned out that Radagast the Brown had come crashing through the forest. He was screaming and had demanded to speak to Gandalf. The two had gone off in private and talked as the dwarves returned to the cave but when they returned they told us nothing of what they spoke of, instead before they could we heard wolves in the distance or so Bilbo thought they were wolves by the loud howls. All of a sudden, from behind a nearby crag, a Warg appeared and lept onto us, knocking down one of the dwarves. My heard jumped and i immediately drew my sword and went to stike it but Thorin had hit it first, killing it using a new shining blade. Another Warg attacked from the other side and Kili shot it with an arrow, bringing it down the socond before i was about to release a throwing dagger into its eye. However, it got back up, only to be killed by me. I had released the dagger landing it into its temple.
Dwalin looked to me, at that moment releasing his axe that was raised above his head.

"Warg-Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind." Gandalf said strictly behind me.

Bilbo looked frantically around and muttered something while Gandalf questioned Thorin for a moment. My heart raced, yet again and i then realized that these dwarves would be attracting ten times more predators than normal. And now i was stuck in the middle of it...

Ori then shouted about how we had no more ponies and couldn't get away and i got a sick feeling in my stomach that i was going to die in a way i never anticipated.

"I'll draw them off." Radagast shouted and i was so relieved!

"These are Gundobad Wargs; they will outrun you." Gandalf replied.

"These are Rhosgobel Rabbits; I'd like to see them try." Radagast smirked back and was off into the forest.

Gandalf told us to run and we obliged happily following him off out to a clearing away from the wargs. We ran for a while longer until be were surrounded on all sides.

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