Chapter 6

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After a few hours of rest, the sun had already started to illuminate the sky and everyone was awake. Once we got on the road, it had already started to poor...

Fili rode in front of me once more except this time, Bofur rode to the side of me. He apologized for yesterday but I barely listened. I spent most of my time in my own head. When you see someone naked in a pond it was not something you got ever very quickly....

When the evening was upon us and the rain had quit, the company's pace came to a crawl. "We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them." Gandalf announced as we all unloaded out things on to the ground. I Sat around for a while with Nori and Ori who finished off with supper preparations and gave them out. After eating the food, i lay down by the fire and forced myself asleep.

In just a few hours i found my self being shaken by the shoulders awake by Kili.

"Trolls! They've taken our ponies!" He woke everyone one of us up In a mere few seconds and once i came to my senses a bit, I realized there were actually live trolls... And what else were we going to do but charge into a battle? I got up as fast as i could muster and reached to the space beside my feet and clutched a long, thick metal sword. Then, i slung my dagger satchel onto my back that held two long blades with slight hook at the end, my favourite weapon but i had learned quickly that they had no real power against any trolls... I then stood up, getting that dizzy blur of colours that blind you when you stand up too fast but i started to walk forward anyways. I accidentally walked right into someone just as my eyes cleared and i started to trip over their feet. I finally noticed that i'd banged right into Fili who had been quickly running to wake more of us up. I stumbled and felt a bit of pain in my shoulder instantly and reached my hand for my shoulder but i could see that i brushed Fili's chest. Thank mahal for that so i could brace myself i would have fallen down. I could see normally then and finally looked up to Fili, "oh my gods! I am so sorry Fili i didn't mean to hit you." He had one hand behind my back accidentally and propped me up but quickly let go. He took a step away from me instantly, "sorry lass" he said as i finished my words. He continued walking in the other direction and so did i, but then it hit me, and i thought about his naked form and his hand pressed to my back and the hand i had holding his chest. My heart actually fluttered for a second, but then came crashing down as i saw a troll before my eyes. Shaking my head i put the thought to the side and breathed deeply. I pushed my body bellow a log and then my eyes trailed to a light not far from were i crouched. I found my curious mind guiding me over the log and behind another bush, then a sprint of adrenaline in my blood. I found my feet pushing forward as my eyes could see clearly 3 broad trolls as Kili said. I looked behind me and saw a trail of dwarves that crowded around me behind a bush. Thorin then suddenly appeared right by my side just as Bilbo was taken into the hands of a troll and used as a handkerchief. I gasped in my mouth and my face turned red with a hint of fear and beside me i felt Thorin tense.

"You should return to camp, you know not how to fight. " he said.

"But i can fight, you know not of what i can do." I protested, speaking a touch too loud.

"I know you can do nothing." The words stung in my ears. I just looked at Thorin with anger and as if he was just merely a child.

"Oh, give me a chance, Thorin. It's not as if I'm going to listen to you anyways." I muttered under my breath.

"Suit yourself." He thundered before spotting Kili jump out from the bush beside him. I almost wanted to smack my face with my palm. These dwarves were possibly the stupidest creatures i'd ever seen... Or at the least, the most impulsive.

"Fine... I wont fight." i hissed, i turned around. These idiotic dwarves knew nothing! I pushed past Fili but he quickly grabbed my elbow. I sudden flow of heat rushed up my neck and i don't think it was anger because my knees weakened at the firm touch.

"If you want to fight, i can teach you? Perhaps then Thorin would be more enthusiastic about you joining us." Fili's words were kind and well said...

"Theres is nothing you can teach me, but if that is what it would take to gain his trust, i would do it. Thank you." I wriggled my arm free and realized the sweat that dripped from my back and the heat in my face. Was i catching a cold? I'd never felt this way before or perhaps it was something else. Was it Fili? I know of love, for my parents loved each other more than life and i can see it but is this that deep emotion? I've never loved anyone before and there was a chance that since my heart fluttered at the mere touch of the princes fingers, that i had these feeling for him.

As i reached the camp I suddenly was reminded of my deep anger and stormed over to the still blazing fire. Anger took over and i reached for a stone surrounding the base and violently lifted it above my head slamming it into the fire sending up fizzles and cracks as the red wood and embers smashed around the rock. I heard yells and battle cries from the distance until it all stopped.

Oh my lord! Had i really left a bunch of foolish dwarves to battle the trolls? It really struck me that they could actually get hurt!

My heart immediately pounded and i turned around, worry plastered on my face. I felt my feet pushing back over the log but i stopped at the frightening sight i saw. Dwarves all over being picked up by trolls, packed for laters, and strung up to a log one by one. I scanned the camp from the bushes and saw Bilbo then tossed to a pile of packages dwarves. I reached my hands to my face and exhaled deeply and felt an awkward sense of pressure when i'd accidentally been seen by Ori. His eyes widened ad my heart raced... He squirmed and i made a face that perhaps said, "sit still" or "oh mahal! Were all doomed!!" I couldn't tell.
I simply watched for a moment and then decided to move around the camp. I circled them all and crouched over to the other side, perching my self on a large boulder. Now all of the dwarves could see me but none of the trolls. I looked around me and tried to ignore the subltle whispers around. I looked back and saw none less than the figure of Gandalf the grey.
"Gandalf?" I whispered, my face cracking a smile.

I saw him nod and lift a finger to his lips and then motioned for me to move. My whole world had been lifted and relieved as i slipped my body off the stone and onto the moss. I turned and intently watched the wizard.

He mumbled some words i could not make out upon the stone and shouted out gathering all of their attention.
"Gandalf!" Some Shouted as the Trolls said "who's he?"  And "can we eat him too?" Before Gandalf sent his staff striking the stone splitting it and revealing the sun. When i gazed back to the trolls, their faces and bodies had turned to stone.

I jumped out from the bush and walked over to the dwarves cooking on the fire. A smile was plastered to my face as i was so relieved. The sun then shon higher in the sky as i then looked at the rotating dwarves.

"How should we get you down?" I said, smiling at the as they still cooked.

After not long, i had them down after smoking out the fire and cutting down the wood with my axe i left back at the camp. All the others that were packed in sacks had been freed and we moved back to camp to pack our things. We quickly got on the road and left no trace other than the new statues around the broken stone. And perhaps a new emotion i possessed for a prince...Could that be scandalous?

But then, Gandalf spotted a cave. There was a terrible stench that flowed out of the cave and strangely we decided to enter it.

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