Chapter 23

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"Pilda!" Fili's hand collided with my face unexpectedly and I pouted, feeling anger boiling from within me. "Knock it off!"

"What on earth do you mean?" I snapped and tried to give him a slap back but he grabbed my hand as it hovered in the air and I tore it away. 

"I knew you would do this..." Fili's lip was curled into an angry expression and I think my face was doing much the same.

"Do what?"

"You're sick too."

"What?" I sputtered and tried to sulk away from his but he snatched up my hand again and if I was to be completely honest, I was enjoying the little game. "I'm not sick! can't you see I'm fine?"

"Don't play stupid, Pilda." He warned and gave me a glare as I cocked my head to the side, still pouting. 

"I really don't know what you want me to say," I reasoned and rubbed my face. 

"You are no longer permitted to... to..."

"To what?" I pressed and laughed softly under my breath. 

"Don't go near that hall," He warned and grabbed my hand again, this time a little rougher and I didn't know how I felt about his commands. Needless to say I wasn't going to obey him and stay away from the halls of gold but I did enjoy the commanding. 

Fili stormed off and I slowly followed him with nothing else to do other than join him. 


Later that day, the lot of us found the others who were equally as joyful to see us but I only exchanged friendly smiles and awkward hugs with most of the others, slightly unamused. My mind was still on the hall of gold and as we sat down for a scoff of less than incredible food, I noticed Fili muttering to Balin who kept glancing my way. The nerve! I'm fine! I doubt that I have any sickness I feel just as good as I always did. How foolish!


"Pilda," Balin smiled at me when supper was over and the tables were being cleared, "Come with me for a moment, will you?"

I stuck a fake smile on my face and sighed, following the old dwarf into a small room where dusty pots and jars we're sitting on shelves. I wonder what this room was actually used for...The cob webs would suggest that it wasn't used for much at all. 

"This is what I'd like to talk to you about," Balin gave me another friendly smile and I stayed silent while he rummaged a few fat fingers down into his pockets. Out his fingers came, clasping one small gold coin. What was this supposed to do? Was he waiting for me to snatch it from him? Did he want me to show that I really was ill with dragon sickness? I would not touch that coin because it was his and his alone, is that wrong? I was not sick an they would have to see that. 

"And?" I cleared my throat, keeping my eyes off the gold without struggle. 

"A little birdie told me that you are drawn to this stuff."

"What? The gold?" I scoffed loudly and gave Balin a pat on the shoulder. "Balin, that is one coin. I am not drawn to the coin you hold in your hand. Everyone is drawn to massive piles of jewels that glitter in the light and that is to be expected, am I correct?"

"Yes," his voice wavered and his smile faded into a look of confusion or concern. 

"Well then I cannot see why the birdie has a problem with someone looking at a little gold. It is not a crime, might I remind you."

Balin said nothing and I assumed he was done speaking so as he rose from his little chair, I sat down, prepared to stay for a moment and think. Balin gave me one last glance and as he walked out, I watched him slip the coin back in his pocket accept the coin didn't land in his pocket, it landed on the ground. It was soundless as it rolled to my foot, and I eagerly bent to pick it up, Balin clearly out of sight. I took the coin and placed it in my own pocket, making sure it did not soundlessly slip away from me.


"Find yourself a place to stay," Ori smiled and left me to pick my own chambers. "We get first pick before the others come so I took the biggest spot I could find. Mine's got a nice big bed and a really great living area where I can make my own teas."

"You make your own teas?" 

"Ever since I was a little lad," Ori gave me a pat on the shoulder and then looked at me with a rather somber expression. "Welcome home, Pilda."

I wanted to scoff and say that it was not my home and never would be but I figured it was rude and just thanked him and made my way down a hall to my left. The maze of rooms was infinite and I wasn't sure how to choose or what rooms would be the best so I walked for a few moments before opening up a random door. It creaked loudly so without even stepping inside, I closed it. That was certainly not the one for me. The door opposite it was the one I checked next and at least that door wasn't creaky. Stepping inside I saw a small round table and chairs with dusty pots and pans piled high and turned around, closing the door behind me. This was going to be a rather long process in finding chambers that I could find no flaw with, wouldn't it? The following three rooms I looked into where actually quite nice with round table and chairs, a quaint bathing room but no bed to be found. As I started to become a little frustrated and walked out of a seventh room, my eyes landed on Fili who was walking down the hall. 

"Finding your chambers?"

I nodded and spoke in a low voice, "None of them are quite living up to my hopes and dreams. You should take note that most rooms don't have beds in them or have creaky doors. One room I went into had a rat skeleton sitting by a cupboard."

Fili scrunched up his nose in disgust and put a hand through his hair. 

"There are a few rooms I've found that are dusty but in good condition otherwise. The place does need a bit of work but  I suppose it's acceptable seeing that the rooms haven't been used in so long." 

"Can you take me to these rooms? I'm growing tired of wandering in and out of these chambers and would really just like to go to bed."

Fili nodded and stepped a little closer offering me his arm to take and I stared at it for a few seconds, a little disoriented. Oh! I was supposed to take his arm and then he would guide me... When I did just that it felt strange at first but in a few seconds, the whole thing felt fairly normal, comfortable even. 

A few halls later, I decided to make conversation and at this point, might I note, my head was clear of all dizziness or sickness. There was not a trace of this strange feeling that had come over me earlier and I had even forgotten about the gold sitting in my pocket.

"Fili, do you know that Ori makes teas?"

He chuckled and spoke, "No. I hadn't heard."

His arm was really warm and made my hands sweat a bit but I still didn't let go of him. I had something I wanted to say... I wanted to spit it out but I was too embarrassed to say it. As we walked up to a room and Fili stopped walking, I knew I had to tell him, so I did.


Hope you are enjoying the story and don't forget to leave a vote or comment your ideas for what I could write next!

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