I'll be Chris Brown

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I feel a tear slide down my cheek however I didn’t have the strength or will to wipe it away. My eyes were fixated in the same place, not moving. I was in total shock. I look down to my free hand that wasn’t on my cheek and it was shaking slightly. I hear Luke pick the chair that I had fallen from and place it. He then carefully wraps his arms around me to place me gently back on to it. I still was clutching my cheek where she, the bitch from hell had slapped it. I could feel my cheek start to throb in pain and the heat rise to it. Ouch.

“Get the fuck out Jessie!” Luke angrily spits out once placing me back on the chair and Jessie surprisingly does as he says and walks straight past me and I watch her lip snarl. What is wrong with that girl? I hear the door open and then lock as Luke kneels in front of me to look me in the eyes.

“Are you alright Rach?” he asks worriedly as he gently grabs my hand away from my cheek and the other by my side and holds them both together in my lap. “You’re all shaken up babe,” he says as he can feel my tremor through my hands. He gently squeezes my hands again, “You alright Rach?”he repeats.

I quietly nod and breathe out, “yes,” feeling a tear slide down my cheek and I look down at our hands intertwined in our lap.

“Did she hurt you? How’s your cheek?” he says letting go of one of my hands to lightly brush the cheek she had hit and placing a lose hair behind my ear. I flinch and put my hand back on my cheek. “Sorry babe! I’ll go get you some ice.” He stands up quickly and rummages through the freezer. “There isn’t anything here.” I simply nod back at him, still clutching my cheek. This better not swell or bruise, I have to go meet Luke’s fans today.

“I’m going to go to reception and get some, I’ll be back soon” he says quickly and kisses me on the head. He pulls on a shirt and pants and rushes out of the room. Once he had left I shakily heave myself up from the chair and make my way slowly to the bathroom to assess the damage. I lean on the counter top and looked in the mirror. My cheek was a dark red with four finger marks imprinted on it. My eyes were blood shot and there were bags under my eyes. This may be the worse I have ever looked, ever and it had to be today of all days. I turn the tap on and splash my face with some cold water to cool my hot cheek and blood shot eyes then I dry my face on the hotels fluffy towels being careful not to apply pressure to my now bruising cheek. I sit down on the floor of the bathroom and lean my cheek against the cool tiles on the wall. It felt nice, it made the throbbing pain stop and I sigh and laugh to myself, why is it always me? I grab the fluffy white towel and I make myself comfortable and lie on the floor putting my cheek on the cold floor and putting the towel underneath my head but allowing my cheek to have contact with the cold floor. I grab another towel and put it over me. I yawn and close my eyes and drift it a cold, uncomfortable sleep.

I was awoken not long after by some strong arms wrapped around me and people whispering.

“Aw, poor girl” I hear Gina whisper.

“Don’t wake her up” I hear Luke’s familiar voice pipe in.

“I fucking won’t okay!” I hear Beau harshly whisper in defense back as he was the one holding me.

“Place her on the bed, love” Gina whispers, “Be careful of her head!”

Secrecy from the Fans - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now