Hard Decision

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I wake up the next morning to see Luke sitting up in his bed and making a face while picking at the food on his tray. "Hospital food is crap isn't it?" I say while stretching before making my way over to his bed.

"This place is supposed to make you feel better but they are trying to kill you with the food." He says as he pushes the try away and moves over in his bed and taps the empty space next to him. I crawl in next to him and we watch the tv

"Well at least you get to leave today so when we get out of here we can have some real food." I mention as I feel my stomach growl next to him. He laughs while poking my stomach.

"I could go for a double burger and some fries." He said and I quickly text Beau our orders and he brings them with the rest of the boys when they arrived. We hung out for a while until they said Luke can go home.

I finally make it back to my place from the hospital to take a shower and a proper nap. 'I doubt if Joe wants to do anything later. We haven't been as close as we used to be' I thought to myself as I head up to his room. I knock on the door and hear a soft "Come in" before I enter and see him laying down on his bed with his laptop on his stomach close to his chin.

"Hey, whatcha up to?" I ask casually as I sit on the bed next to him

"Just editing this week's video. What's up?" I let out a soft sigh and tried to look him in the eyes

"I kind of need to talk to you about something important" I say playing with my fingers.

"Uh oh that doesn't sound good" he says as he still pays attention to the computer instead of focusing on what I was trying to tell him. To get his attention I sat on his lower half of his stomach and waited as he closed his laptop and pushes it in a corner. He grabs the side of my waist and flips us over so I'm at his side and he pulls me closer to him. .

"Is this about Luke?" he asks as I rest my head on his shoulder and I just shake my head yes in response. I feel him let out a silent sigh and I look back up at him.

"It's not just him Joe. We don't really do anything together anymore and I feel we are more like friends than dating." I admit to both him and myself. I know this is the right thing to do and we have been acting like we are both single for a while so why not make it official.

"I had a feeling it would happen." he says as he runs his hands through his hair.

"What?!" I am completely caught off guard but I was never really good at hiding my feelings about anything. "So you're not mad?" I asked still confused

"It was fun while it lasted and if he hurts you again, I will find him" he said while giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Joseph Sugg, whoever gets the privilege of being your girlfriend will have a true gentleman on her hands." I leaned in and kissed him for the last time. It was a sweet kiss but nothing like the kisses Luke and I have.

Now it's just to figure out what I am going to do about Luke. When I got back to my room I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from someone I never expected to hear from.

'Hey Rachel, it's Ariana.'

Why is Jai's girlfriend texting me...when did she even get my number?

'Hey Ari. Long time no talk to' I replied but I am so confused right now. I wonder if Jai told her what happened and she agreed to talk to me for Luke. Why is everyone trying to tell me what to do about Luke?

'I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for a girl talk?'

'Sure what about tomorrow?' I've always liked Ariana since when I met her at the Brooks house back home but we never really got a chance to hang out after that. We did click while there and talked for a while so it could be fun to hang out again.

'Sure I'll text you my address and you can come over'

'Ok cool. See you then' Did I really just make plans to hang out with Ariana Grande tomorrow. Um well this should be interesting.

-Yay Luke is feeling better and a surprise text from Ariana. Hope you like this chapter-

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