Big Boy

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Okay guys you might not understand were this is leading of from but if you go back to the first chapter it is the continuation from them sleeping in bed. The last chapters have really just been a flash back on how they met and how they became boyfriend and girlfriend blah blah blah. Enjoy, 10 votes for next chapter :) xx

I can feel Lukes lifeless arm draped over my waist and his warm breath on the back of my neck. Wow, I still can’t really comprehend that my parents trusted us enough to let him stay the night here whilst they were away. I lay there for a few more moments whilst my eyes adjusted to the bright sun that was coming through the blinds in my room. I guess by how bright the sun was it must be late morning. I carefully remove myself from the bed being careful not to wake Luke and make my way to the kitchen. I tiredly look in pantry and the fridge for anything that Luke and I would like to eat. I smile at the picture of Luke and I that was on the freezer section. It was probably my favorite photo of us because it was just a classic. It was the both of us coming down the water slide after a few weeks when we first started dating. Luke face is opened wide with both arms in the air whilst my eyes are clamped shut and snuggled into Lukes side. God, I loved that boy. I finally decide on bacon and eggs.

I place two eggs and six slices of bacon in the pan hearing the usual sizzling noise. I just stared at the food for a decent three minutes in a sleepy haze whilst I waited for it too cook. I placed the eggs and bacon on a plate and two slices of toast. I grab a bottle of orange juice, cups and the tomato sauce and put everything on the tray. I carefully make my way back to my room, careful not to spill the food everywhere. I carefully place the tray down on his bedside table.

“Wakey, wakey. Rise and shine” I say softly as I sit down beside him placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Luke groans tiredly and blinks his eyes slowly open.

“Morning bub” he groggily mutts sitting up in bed, squinting at the bright light “You made me breaky? I was going to do that” he huffs groggily.

“Too late now” I say in a cheerful voice, grabbing the tray and placing it on his lap.

“Guess so, looks good too” he smiles, I sit next to him and grab a piece of bacon.

“Mmm-mmm” he says in delight with a mouth full of egg and bacon. We sit there for a while whilst we ate, as Luke was still rather groggily tired. Once he had finished the plate he grabs the tray and puts in back on the bedside table and looks me in the eyes. “Rach I know you told me no presents for our third month anniversary but.. I got you a present… “he says in a slow yet cheeky voice. He jumps up out of bed and over to his duffle bag in the corner of my bedroom.

“Luuuuke” I say in an angry tone, as I hadn’t got him a present.

He quickly returns to the bed and crosses his legs in front of me. He had the biggest smile on his face. He hands me a card and a small box that was wrapped up in teddy bear wrapping paper. I gently grab the card and the small box.

“Open it” he urges, his smile on his face was so big. He seemed so excited for me to open it.

I unwrapped the paper slowly and opened the red box that revealed a beautiful gold necklace with a small patterned heart pendant. I looked up in astonishment.

“Open it” he urged again with a bigger grin on his face.

I looked at him in confusion until I realized it was a heart shaped locket. I carefully opened the locket that revealed a small engraving on either heart of Luke and Rachel. I was speechless.

“So do you like it?” Luke says worriedly as I had sat there looking at the necklace for a few moments. I look back at him and I feel a tear slide down my cheek.

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