Baby Photos

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I open the sliding door and walk back into the cool house, feeling the cool air on my skin. I sigh in relief as I feel my body temperature drop, I hear Luke close the door behind me.

“What would you like to drink?” I ask him, opening in the fridge door.

“Water please, Rach.” He says rather quietly. He must be feeling a bit nervous about the situation that had happened earlier.

“Sure thing,” I say grabbing two cups and pouring cold water from the water dispenser from the fridge. I hand him one and I take a sip from the other. Feeling the cold water go down my throat. I leaned back onto the bench whist he learnt on the bench opposite me. I watch him sip away at his water and I could see that his mood had changed from what it had been like outside before.

“Don’t worry Lukey, it will be fine.” I say trying to comfort him.

“Hopefully…” he says looking down at his drink. I finish my water and place it on the sink. I hear loud laughing in the next room although this laughter wasn’t Beau, Jai or Mia’s. It was my Dads. I gasp and quickly check my phone. It was only 4:30pm.

“What’s the matter?” Luke asks in a worried tone.

“I think my Dad is home..”

He finishes his drink and places the empty cup next to mine. He follows me to the sitting room where the laughter had come from. As we enter the room, we see Beau and Mia on a couch with Jai sitting in between them whilst my Dad was on a single chair. They were all laughing at something and I could see it was a picture album.

“Hi Dad,” I say walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the forehead. “See you have met Beau and Jai.”

He laughs, “Yes, wish I could have met them earlier. This must be Luke”

“Yes, uh.. I’m Luke” Luke stutters seeming to be nervous. I hear Jai and Beau giggling at his nervousness. He shakes my Dads hand and I quickly tap his arm to tell him to sit on the double chair with me.

“You know I have smaller sized boardies in my room” Dad laughs eyeing Luke wearing his boardies that were two sizes to big.

I turn to look at Luke and I started to laugh.

“Don’t laugh too much or I’ll get Beau and Jai to tell Luke the story about you at the lake.” Dad smirks at me.

I groan, “You didn’t tell them that story!”

“Oh but he did” Jai said smiling at me, “I’ll tell you later, Luke. I want to see the rest of these photos.” He says looking down at the album that was in his hands.

Luke quickly grabs the album of Jai. I look over his shoulder to see it was I when I was a kid. “Oh god you didn’t,” I say glaring at Dad. He laughs and winks at me, giving me an evil smirk.

I see Luke smiling flipping through the photos and Beau quickly grabs the album and starts to laugh at the photos.

“Nice face Rach, bet you got all the boys with that one,” he says as he shows me a picture of me as a baby eating a lemon.

“You know it mate! Hey Rach why’d you keep these boys away from me. We get along real well” He laughs leaving the room. I nod my head at my Dad, he was trying so hard to be cool. I watch Beau and Jai laugh at the photos of me whilst Luke drew circles on my knee on with his finger.

“Oh shit, sorry guys I’ve got to go to work. I’ll catch you later” Mia says as she stands up. Jai stands up and gives her a hug and I walk over and say goodbye. Beau follows her out the door.

I see Luke frown and start to arc up again. I rub his knee trying to tell him its okay. “I can’t believe he is doing this” Luke spits out.

“I know” Jai sighs.

“Like I told him in the car not to do anything.” Luke says in a rough tone.

I turn to him, “Don’t worry Luke, Mia is a big girl.”

He sighs, “Just warn her okay.”

“Shit, Mum just texted me to remind us that we are going to Nonno’s and Nonna’s tonight.”

“Shit what time is it” Luke said whipping out his phone. “Its 5pm, already!”

Beau walks in smiling and sits next to Jai.

“Remember we are going to Nonno’s and Nonna’s tonight” Jai reminded Beau.

“Shit” he cusses out loud remembering.

Luke whispers in my ear, “You could come you know”

“I don’t know” I say trying to keep my voice quiet.

“Come on” he pleads with me.

“I’m sure your family won’t want me there”

“I’m sure they won’t mind and I don’t want really talk to him at the moment” Luke says glaring at Beau.

“If you insist, just have to make sure its okay with my Dad and your Mum”

“It’ll be fine, right boys? Rachel can come tonight hey?” Luke says in a normal tone allowing the boys to hear.

“Yeah, that’s fine” Beau says half-heartedly.

“See, told you” Luke says to me.

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