Decisions, Decisions

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(The video on the side is kind of what I had in mind for the house and you get to see Joe also ;D)

The next day Tyler, the O2L boys, Jenn, Andrea, Jack and Finn, and some other YouTubers came over and we hung out by the pool. "AAAAHHHHHH!!" I heard right before a splash. I look over and see Jenn swimming to the top of the water and glaring at Ricky "I'm going to get you Ricky" she yelled as she climbed out of the pool and started chasing him. "And that's why you don't come fully dressed to a beach house" Kian said while Andrea was laughing "I told her to put her swim suit on before." and she rolled her eyes.

It is a nice sunny day in LA and we are all hanging and having a good time. "Hey is that a beach over there?" JC asked while shielding his eyes and looking towards the water. I looked up and squinted a little "Yeah it's about a block away." I told him. "We can walk there. Let's go to the beach" He yelled jumping down from the chair he was standing on and heading towards the door. "Random trip to the beach...why not?" We all looked around and shrugged before following him. When the beach came into eye sight we all took off running.

I was excited to feel the warm sand between my toes and the cold water against my skin because it reminded me a lot of home. I stopped a few feet from the water and just stared at the beautiful sight as I heard a few of the guys making a quick video and vlogs and taking picture. I took out my phone and took some of the water and of everyone goofing around.

"Don't forget about me" I heard someone say as I was about to take a selfie with the water behind me "I would never" I replied as Joe wrapped his arms around my waist and I took the picture. I took a few more of him kissing my cheek, some of Troye and I, and a few with everyone else. "TIME TO GET IN TO THE WATER!" Kian yelled and everyone started to strip into the bathing suits. "Woah look at you guys" the boys said as us girls started taking off our cover ups "Shut up" Jenn said while rolling her eyes playfully and then we all took off towards the water splashing and playing around.

"Let's play a game" Connor yelled. We all formed a circle and eventually decided on playing chicken and paired up. "Remember the rules? The aim is to try and knock one team member off the others shoulder. Last duo standing win." We all looked around and nodded before Tyler yelled from the shore "GO!" Immediately we started pushing and shoving the other pairs trying to make then fall into the water and Jenn and Troye were one of the first to go. After a while the final 3 were Joe and I, Kian and Andrea, and Zoe and Alfie. Andrea managed to grab a hold of Zoe's arm and they both tried flinging each other into the water. While they were distracted Joe and I came up and pushed them both down from where they were holding onto each other. "The winners are Joe and Rachel!" Tyler yelled and clapped and we did a victory lap.

I manage to wiggle off of Joe's shoulder and start splashing him with water. All of a sudden he stops and starts smirking at me "Oh no" I thought to myself right before I took off running. Joe starts chasing me yelling "Oh you are so going to pay for that" he yelled "That means you have to catch my first" I laughed and yelled behind me. I forgot, however, that everyone runs slower in water and Joe runs faster than I do so when he catches me he picks me up and goes deeper in the water and drops down while holding me.

When he pulls us back up to get air he puts me down on my feet facing him with his arms around my waist just smiling. "I win" he says softly as he pulls me closer and I stand on my tip toes and we share a passionate kiss. He lifts me up and my legs wrap around his waist and then we are tackled in the water by Jack. "Alright that's enough of that you two" Finn said coming up behind his brother "Let's get back to the house because we are hungry and it's getting late." he said while walking back to shore. "Fine" I say standing up and wiping the water off of my face.

"We should watch some movies too" Andrea suggested "If you do, you guys will never leave" I said jokingly as we all gathered our stuff and headed back to the house. "No, that only happens when you feed them" Joe whispered to me. I giggled and got eyes rolled at me. "Too late for you guys because JC already ordered pizza so you're stuck with us" Andrea said while sticking her tongue out. "Yeah yeah whatever." When we made it back we all cleaned up and set everything up in the lounge room for a massive movie night. We had chips, candy, pizza, drinks, pillows, and a ton of blankets and settled in and put on a movie.

I wasn't really paying attention because my mind kept going back to the fact that in a matter of hours I will be in the same building as Luke and that I might run into him. Just the thought alone was making me nervous because I don't know how I feel about him, I know I really like Joe and I want to see where this could go but I don't think I every really got over Luke and I don't think I ever will. Why can't life be easy like it is in some movies? The guy likes the girl and they fight to be together and have to go through a lot of stuff but they are always sure of their feelings for each other, it's undeniable.

'Ugh I need some air' I thought to myself and I wiggled out of Joe's arm and I went to the kitchen to refill the popcorn bowl. Zoe stopped me in the kitchen and asked me a question I been trying to forget since Joe and I first kissed. "What are you going to do when you see Luke tomorrow?" I froze because truthfully I really don't know. "You do know that we are going to be there all day even if we don't have an event and there is a great chance you just might run into him. I would take time and think about it because you have another guy's feelings to consider and he is in the other room." She stopped for a second and looked down before looking me directly in my eyes "I just don't want to see him hurt because he's starting to really like you Rachel" Zoe said as she grabbed the popcorn and walked away.

I braced against the counter as so many thoughts were running through my head all at once. I truly did not know what I was going to do. I walked out to the balcony to get some air and look at the calming water when Joe came up next to me as I continued to stare forward. "A lot on your mind?" he asked while still looking forward. "Yeah. A lot is going to happen at vidcon tomorrow" I said still staring at the water with the moos reflecting beautifully off of it.

"Worried about Luke?" I looked down and didn't answer for a minute. "I haven't thought about him in so long but now that I know I might see him again I...I don't know what I feel" I said as I let out a sigh "I know you will do what's in your heart" he said as he kissed me on the forehead and gave me a small smile before going back inside. I pulled out my phone and scrolled up to a picture Luke and I took right after he officially asked me to be his girlfriend. We were kissing and I remember feeling like that was the best moment of my life. A small tear slipped down my cheek and I let out a loud groan because someone is going to get hurt this weekend. But as my mom used to tell me 'tomorrow will sort itself out' so I guess I will see what happens tomorrow. Dammit Luke.

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