Getting My Answer

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Sorry for not uploading last week but moving is a lot of work. Anyway here is the next chapter and I hope you guys enjoy. Also leave me a comment and tell me who you think started the rumor ;)

Mia and I spent the next few hours picking the perfect songs, pictures, and videos for our surprise video we were going to be posting on my channel soon. I added special effects in to have a greater effect and by the time it was finished it was close to midnight. "Ah we are finally done with it." Mia said dropping herself on my bed. I turn around in the chair and look at her smiling.

"Are you sure we should post it?" I was kind of worried at the reaction we would get from it. "Is Luke talking to you yet?" she asked while typing away on her phone "No" I said quieter than usual. I grabbed my phone to check just in case and nothing so I threw my phone on my bed aggravated. "Then yes. It's not ok for someone to mess with your relationship for some stupid reason and on top of that they spread a hurtful rumor. Think about it, it's not just Luke who is hurt, it's you and Beau and I'm pretty sure Jai doesn't like seeing both of his brothers depressed and angry at each other."

I let out a loud sigh "I guess you're right" I said turning back to my laptop. "I know I'm right. I can't believe how much stuff we had to look through just for a 4 minute video." she complained and I started laughing. "What you thought making those videos was easy? The hardest is picking out what you want to put in and then editing it, that's why some people upload videos late because one small thing can throw everything off."

"Haha I can see that now. Hey check your twitter." Mia says with a smile stuck on her face. "Um why?" I questioned looking at her "Just do it!" she demanded and I logged on through my computer and I started reading my mentions. They were filled with people retweeting my video and tagging Luke in it so he would see it. I also got a lot of sweet tweets from some fans and a lot of questions about who made the rumor. I quickly tweeted 'Special video coming soon ;)' and press tweet.

I heard Mia squeal and run over and shove her phone in my face "Mia what are yo-" I tried to ask and shove her a few steps back before she shoves the phone down my throat. "Look at Luke's tweets!" I turn back to her phone and he retweeted a tweet a fan sent him with the link to my video and he added a smiley face to it. "He saw your video Rach!!" she squealed and started jumping up and down. "Then how come I haven't heard from him?" I look at Luke's newest tweet and it says 'It's when you're down that you find out who really cares'.

"Mia I have no idea what's that supposed to mean" I start whining before she holds me shoulders and shakes me a little. "It could be a good thing" she said cheerfully "Or it could equally be a bad thing and with Luke I can't tell." I counter. She drops her arms from me and walks back to the bed.

I start to feel the anger bubble up in me because I'm trying to fix the problem with Luke but he keeps shutting me out and before I even realize it I jump up from my chair and storm out the house. I barely hear Mia yelling behind me. "Where are we going?" as I heard her footsteps following behind me "To the Brooks house to finally get an answer." She catches up to me and I slow my pace down a bit "And what are you going to do when you get there?"

"I am going to get my answer before I leave. I don't want to be wondering anymore because this is stupid." We walk in silence the rest of the way and no I didn't get lost this time. "Do you even know what you are going to say to him?" Mia says as I start knocking on the door "I'll figure it out as I go."

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