Change Is Coming

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The next day I woke up and spread out in my bed hoping to feel his warmth, hoping it wasn't a dream, but I didn't feel anyone. I opened my eyes and saw a note on the stand next to my bed in his handwriting 'So it wasn't a dream' I thought as I smiled and reached for the note. "Good morning beautiful. Got called into an emergency Janoskians meeting but I'll be back as soon as possible to take you out to breakfast. Love Luke." I dropped back down in my bed as I started to remember the romantic date we had and the very pleasant activities afterwards.

I climbed out of the bed while I wrapping the sheet around me and took a nice warm shower.  I got dressed and went down stairs to grab some orange juice when I heard the door open and closed behind me. I turned around and lit up when I saw Luke walk in but something was wrong. He was only looking straight and looked like he could barely stand up. "Luke?" I asked following behind him. He dropped himself down in the couch and struggled to say something

"What's wrong? Did something happen at the meeting?" He slowly turned his head to look at me still looking shocked "The plans are officially set for the Janoskians. We are going to America." I screamed and locked my arms around his neck. "Luke that is amazing news! Why don't you look excited?" I asked concerned about his reaction. He slowly took my hands in his and looked me straight in the eyes and right on cue the butterflies in my stomach were released.

"We are going to be gone for almost a year." Slowly and slowly my smile started to fade "A-and management…doesn't think…it will be fair to…leave a girlfriend behind" he said slowly. My excitement disappeared instantly

"So are you saying that we…" I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth and I looked up and noticed the tears falling from his eyes. "They think we should break up" he choked out. Those words were the breaking point and my vision became blurry. "How long? How long  did you know that you would be leaving?" I asked. He lowered his head into his hands and whispered "For a few weeks now." I inhaled sharply "You knew for weeks that you would be leaving me and you didn't say anything?" I started yelling "So when were you going to tell me? When you were stepping on the plane?" The tears started to fall from my eyes and I put my hands over my mouth and let out a gasp "So last night was ju-"

"NO!" he yelled cutting me off "Rachel don't even think something like that." I could feel my heart breaking and that was when I truly understood the word heartbreak and why some people are bitter and mean. There can't be anything worse than losing the one that you would give your life for and feel powerless to stop it. "It's not fair." I started crying harder and I felt Luke wrap his arms around me and just hold me.

"Why can't I come with you?" I asked and he kissed the top of my head "You have to finish year 12 and I don't think that your parents will let you come with us to a different country for a year" I know he is right. My mom called me every night when we went to Sydney and I doubt my dad would even consider letting me move across the world for a year with my boyfriend. "I hate that you're right" I said sniffling. I can't believe I'm losing him and I can't do anything about it. 

"When do you leave?" I mumbled into his chest he let out a loud sigh "Tomorrow" I let out a loud laugh "That's not much notice" I said holding him tighter. "I know but the guys are out getting the last minute stuff that we need while I'm here with you" I let go of him and rested my chin on his chest and looked at him with slightly blurry eyes "So all  you guys are going single huh?" He nodded as he looked away "Well at least we aren't the only ones going to miserable" I said brushing off his nervous attitude and tried to lighten up the mood.

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