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The video had just about finished and I was watching all the boys’ facial reactions throughout the whole video. I feel my stomach twisting and churning as the nervousness releases itself through butterflies. They all had sniggered or smiled at least, at my puns or jokes but once the video that only lasted for about four minutes finished all eyes were on me. Each one of their eyes felt as if they were lasers eating away at my flesh.

Beau was the first to speak up, “are you sure this is your first video?”

“yes..” I say worriedly, trying to bury myself into Luke and away from the critical eyes that were looking at me.

“it.. was.. so.. good!” Beau says slowly, “Like you seemed so natural, so calm like you were made to do this” he blurts out in a rush.

“Yes!” Jai admits, “oh my god it was like you were just talking to us like normal, like you weren’t being anyone else, just yourself.”

All of a sudden the boys all got excited, yelling at each other at how good and natural and how they should make videos and yada yada yada. However Luke stays behind me, clutching me tightly. Making me feel safe. I feel safe, I feel content just sitting with him, in his presence. He quietly whispers in my ear, “that video was so good babe”

I feel my face heat over in a blush as I smile, I whisper to him “thank you Luke.”

 The boys quiet down after a while and go back to their rooms to shower and get ready before we go out tonight. Luke heads of to the shower after a lot of persuasion from me and I return to my laptop and go to youtube and I quickly fill in the necessary components to make an account and leave the username to last. I ponder should I think of something witty and smart like the Janoskians or should I just put it as my regular name. I sit there for a few minutes on the bed with names floating around my mind and it suddenly it hits me. I type it in and sit back and press enter. I upload the video in about ten minutes and it takes less time that I assumed, maybe the internet in the hotel (that Luke ever so nicely connected for me) is faster then my internet at home.  I quickly post the link to my twitter as I hear Luke come out of the shower.

He smiles at me, “whatcha up to?” he cheekily grins as he runs up to the bed still dripping wet with a towel around him.

I squeal, “Oh my god Luke!” as he jumps on top of me, he shakes his hair like a dog and I sit up cross-legged as he gets of me and pout at him sadly.

“Aw cheer up butter cup,” he says as he caresses my cheek then he walks over to his bag and bends over purposely flashing me his ass.

“Dat ass Luke!” I yell at him and he turns around and puts his index finger to his mouth and makes a hissing noise as he touches his but with it.

I giggle, “Lukey you should be nice to me, I AM RachelsRoom from youtube you know, don’t you know who I am?” I scoff.

Luke turns after placing some underwear on under his towel then letting the towel slip off, “What?!” he says excitedly as he runs to the bed and jumps on, “You called if RachelsRoom, that actually is… pretty catchy! Omg its RachelsRoom, oh is that RachelsRoom? Omg that RachelsRoom girl is so hot, isn’t she dating that Jansoskian faggot?”

“Oh my god she is!” I laugh

Luke laughs, “Oh I love you Rachel,” he says leaning forward giving me a gentle peck on the lips.

“I love you too Lukey” I grin at him and kiss him back.

A loud banging and yelling interrupts us and Luke rolls his eyes. I stand up and walk behind him knowing that what ever is behind that door could potentially be silly string to pepper spray or a pack of screaming girls. We walk to the door cautiously and Luke holds his hands up and together as if a gun. I giggle at him in his underwear. He slowly opens the door and there is Beau standing there.

“Lets get ready to PARRRRR-TAAAAY” he says, spraying a bottle of champagne over both of us. He starts yelling, "Champagne showers"

I screech and hide behinds Luke but Luke must’ve known about the surprise attack and moved out of the way and pushed me closer to the exploding liquid. As the champagne shortly run out I see Luke and Beau grinning at me with their cheeky faces as I stare at them with my arms crossed with a face I’m sure that could kill.

“C’mon Rachel,” Beau says cheekily, “I’m just happy that Jessie has packed her shit and is back in Melbourne and the fans love your video”

My face lights up, “How’d you know that?”

Beau laughs, “Well I retweeted it and made another tweet about your video and they have gone crazy”

“Really!?” Luke says excitedly

“Yep!” Beau smirks, “Now go clean yourself up Rachel, and seriously you are a mess, like who sprays champagne all over themselves you weirdo!”

I look at him evilly again and Luke laughs. “Cmon now Rach, you are RachelsRoom! You have a reputation to hold here.”

“Yeah Rach, you are almost as bad as those Janoskian faggots! We are leaving to go out tonight in about half an hour. We can show the boys the place we went last night” Beau says.

I groan, thirty minutes to get ready? You can’t be seriously?!

Secrecy from the Fans - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now