A New Adventure

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I finally made it to my first step of my travels, England. I am blown away by the beautiful buildings that they have. I've always loved the way older buildings look and I admired the scenery as I hopped in a taxi and headed to Zoe and her brother Joe's house. I'm only staying a few days but during my stay I managed to do collabs with so many people like of course Zoe and Joe but also Alfie, Marcus, Mazzi, and Caspar and Troye who were also visiting before vidcon.

I actually rode on the plane with Troye and I found out he is a really cool guy. I did a vlog with him that started on the plane and as I was being shown around by Zoe and Joe and I was starting to fall more and more in love with this place. Yes the weather isn't the best but it is still breathtaking to be in. "We rode on top of a double decker bus, I ate at Nandos, and did so much more." I told my parents over FaceTime that night. "That's great sweetie." My mom said full of excitement "And I see you've been taking a lot of pictures too" my dad chimed in "You haven't even seen half of it yet. I want to develop all my pictures at the end of everything and put them in a photo album, I haven't made one in forever."

I continued talking to my parents for another hour before they headed off the bed and I just laid back and enjoyed the feel of a new place. What I didn't tell my parents is the small crush I have on Joe, I mean it doesn't mean anything and I don't want my dad freaking out about not wanting any other boy to hurt me. I decided to start to edit a collab video that Zoe and I did earlier and while some of the footage was uploading to the program I decided to check on twitter and talk with some people.

I noticed that I had a lot more mentions than normal and instead of it being about Joe it was about Luke. "What could be going on with them now?" I mumbled to myself and continued scanning the tweets. I let out a loud gasp as I looked at their main twitter account for the Janoskians and saw that it was true, the Janoskians and going to be at vidcon and to be more exact we are going to be there at the exact same time the whole time.

"Shit!" I curse under my breath. This can't be happening! Of course when I start to get over him he's going to be back in my life again and what's worse is I know I won't be able to hide from him. That's not going to stop me from trying. Right now Joe and I just have a flirty friendship and I'm happy with that but I don't know how I will feel after seeing Luke again. When they say you never really get over your first love, they are right unfortunately. Even after vidcon we were staying a few days after to enjoy L.A. and I don't know what is going to happen.

My mind started to wonder and I started to panic when I heard a knock in the door and rolled over to face Joe poking his head in. "Hey Zoe do yo- OH hey Rachel. Whoa. Are you okay love?" I looked up and was instantly met with Joe's beautiful blue eyes before I put my head in my hands and I let out a sigh

"Just found out that my ex is going to be at vidcon with us. Great news right?" I said sarcastically. He sat down next to me and I felt his arms wrap around my waist pulled me closer to him. I leaned into his chest and started to calm down and he kissed the top of my head. "I heard about the bad breakup" he said quietly as he rested his head on top of mine. "It's complicated" I mumbled.

It was the truth with Luke and I because we didn't end on a bad note, kind of, we just stopped...he just stopped. It's like he became so busy in his new life he didn't have time for me anymore so he stopped trying and that hurt the worse. I closed my eyes tightly and nuzzled my head more into Joe's chest and just enjoyed being in his arms as he gently rocked me back and forth.

"How about we bring that beautiful smile back yeah?" I pulled slightly away and stared into his gorgeous eyes "What did you have in mind?" He looked up as he thought over the question for a minute then looked back at me and smiled "How about we explore London, just the two of us?" He got up and held his hand out for me to take.

I felt the heat creep on my cheeks and I grabbed his hand and gladly followed behind him. I couldn't hide the smile that was plastered on my face. As we were leaving the house Zoe yells bye to us as we walk out the door even though her back her back is turned toward us. "Where are we going Joe?" I asks as he's still holding my hand and leading through different side street "Nowhere in particular. I just thought that we could use a day out." He said smiling back at me "Ok my life is in your hands Suggs." I said picking up my pace to walk next to him "And protect it I will." he said in a Yoda voice which caused me to giggle.

We started to explore the city and go into random shops  and the whole time we both acted like a pair of tourist and took pictures in front of everything and ate everything and in a few of the pictures his was kissing my cheek. "I really had a good time today" I told him when we were back in front of the house. "I did too and I can't believe you have never been to Nandos before coming here." he said swinging our hands back and forth. "Haha well they don't have Nandos where I'm from" I admitted. "Well I will have to come and visit you sometime then." I felt myself blush, again "I look forward to it. One more picture before we go back inside" I ask holding up my phone.

As we were taking our last picture in front of his house I turned my head to say something to him and our lips connected. It was magical even if it was just for a few fleeting seconds. We pulled away from each other with shock written all over both of our faces but I noticed we both started to lean in again and my heart skipped a beat. Was this really happening? "Wow" I said breathlessly when we pulled away "Yeah" he replied staring into my eyes with a smile on his face before taking my hand and we both walked in the house.

Later that night I was looking through all the pictures we took and the last one was the kiss...well the first kiss. I didn't realize I was smiling while I stared at it until Troye sat next to me "What has you smiling like an idiot for the past 5 minutes?" he said with a smirk. I quickly locked my phone and put it where he couldn't reach "Nothing, why?" I said innocently "Nothing can't have you smiling like that but I want to show you this cool picture I took earlier today." He took out his phone and started to scan through his pictures until he came across the one he wanted and smiled as turned his phone to show me and it was a picture of Joe and I practically making out earlier. Just then Joe passed us and winked at me. I hid my face behind my hair but that didn't stop me from hearing Troye dying laughing in front of me. Well this trip to vidcon will be fun.

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