California Time

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"TROYE GET UP! IT'S TIME TO GO TO AMERICA!!" I yelled as I jumped on top of him waking him up screaming. I fell of his air bed laughing and met his glare. "Why are you so hyper this early in the morning?" he groaned rubbing his eyes and slowly waking up more and more "Because this is my first time going to America." I said sitting criss cross in front of his bed. He got up to head to the bathroom when I turned to him "Zoe is still in the bathroom" which earned silence and he just turned on his heels and headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning love" Joe said walking out of his room and kissing the top of my head "Morning. Are you all packed?" I asked turning to look at him. "I haven't started yet but it won't take me long to get ready." I shook my head in disappointment "You guys make it look so easy" I said scoffing and getting up from the floor. "It took me hours to pack and you can get ready in minutes"

"That's because girls need way more stuff than guys. We are good with just a few shirts, some pants, and shoes. You girls need make up and different shirts and shorts and shoes and accessories." he started listing counting on his fingers "Well excuse us for wanting to look presentable" Zoe said walking out of the bathroom. Troye's head shot up and he dropped everything and ran to the bathroom. We laughed a little and I decided to walk around the house one more time to make sure I didn't forget to back anything.

After about an hour we were on our way to the airport. Everyone else like Caspar and Mazz and Alfie went up before us so we are going to be the last to arrive. I think my excitement was showing a little too much because I couldn't stop moving in the car ride to the airport and Joe put his hand on my leg to try and get me to calm down, it helped...a little bit. I couldn't wait to get back into bright summer weather. London is beautiful but the gloomy weather was starting to get to me.

On the plane to America I sat next to Zoe and Troye say next to Joe, which I was kind of disappointed about but I don't need any more questions from Troye anyway. I don't know when but I fell asleep while soaring through the sky and I was woken up by Zoe beating my arm rapidly yelling "We're here, we're here!!" over and over again. I rubbed my eyes and looked around only to notice that the rest of the plane is already empty and Troye and Joe were waiting for us by the door. I stepped off and was immediately met with sun and fresh air that quickly disappeared when I continued into the tunnel that would lead us to our luggage.

I finally got to step outside into the sunny weather and tried to soak it all in. I never realized how much I missed the summer type weather until then. "Ok so vidcon is in a few days so that gives us a few days to explore beforehand and settle into the house" Troye said while clapping his hands together. "What house?" I asked slightly confused. Honestly I don't know much about our staying arrangements so I guess now is as good time as any to ask.

"Well we will all be staying in the same house of a friend of mines that's not too far from the beach." Zoe said before continuing "It's their family's beach house with its own pool, a gorgeous view, and a room for each of us." My mouth hung open in shock "Seriously that sounds amazing Zoe" I said while dragging my bags to the uber "Well let's go then." We managed to get it all in and Zoe gave the driver the address to the house.

It is only a few minutes away from the venue which means we don't have to rush in the mornings. I was speechless when I stepped into the house. There are glass walls that give us an amazing view of the beach and a massive kitchen and the living room has a flat screen TV mounted on the wall with plenty of seating, kind of like an in home movie theater. "I think I'm going to love it here" I said as I dropped some of my bags that I was carrying in the doorway.

Joe came in behind me and put down the rest of my stuff and put his arm around my shoulder before kissing my temple. "Our rooms are upstairs love. Caspar is on the end then it's Alfie, Marcus, Troye, Me, You, Zoe, and I don't remember who else." He was counting on his hands and looked so cute focused. "Ooo so our rooms are next to each other eh?" I said nudging his side. He blushed slightly and I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Naughty naughty" Caspar said sneaking up behind us. "Caspar you creep!" I yelled as he ran to some other part of the house. Joe laughed as he grabbed the luggage and began bringing it to our rooms.

We all finished settling in and decided to go out that night and explore the area. "Why don't we go see a movie?" Zoe suggested "Sure why not? I haven't been to the movies in a while anyway." I said and we called a cab to pick us up. When we arrived at The Grove we ran into Tyler Oakley and a few of the guys from Our2ndLife. "TYLER!!" Troye yelled out when he spotted him. He ran over to him and that started talking like they haven't seen each other in years. "I want you to meet my friends visiting with me for vidcon. This is Zoe, her brother Joe, and Rachel" he introduced pointing to each of us. "It's nice to meet all of you. This is Conner, Ricky, and JC who are also going to be at vidcon with us." We all waved and shook hands and what not.

"So how long are you guys visiting for?" Ricky asked as we all just started walking around with no real destination in mind "For a couple of days. Then these guys are going back to London and I am going back to Australia." I said looking around at all the store while still paying attention to Ricky "Oh you're Australian? What's your channel name?" he asked while pulling out his phone "RachelsRoom" I replied giving him a small smile. "Oh hey I've seen some of your videos, they are really funny." JC said from behind us. I turned around and gave him a friendly smile "Thanks so are yours. I love watching O2L videos." I thought their idea of a collab channel was a smart and fun one. "Thank you." they all said at the same time.

"Are the rest of the boys going to be at vidcon too?" I asked "Yeah, Sam and Trevor are flying back tomorrow and Kian is most likely going to come with his girlfriend Andrea." I nodded my head taking it all in. 'This is going to be an interesting few days' I thought to myself. Tyler ended up taking us to one of his favorite restaurants in the area and we pushed a table next to a booth so we could all fit. Towards the end of the night we all felt like we have known each other for years. Tyler and the O2L boys are so easy to talk to and have a goofy personality just like I do. As we said our goodbyes we made arrangements to meet up again to do some collaborations and just hang out in general. Tomorrow we are having some more YouTubers over at our place and I have to say I like being in America so far. I could get used to this.

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