Chapter 1: Your Backstory

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!...


And yeah, that's you. The one who just threw your digital clock to the wall, breaking it to many pieces. That was the 6th time you have broken your clock this month. Groaning, you got out of bed, picked up the broken pieces, and threw it at your trashcan near your study table. You glance at the calendar and saw that it was monday...again.

''Yahoo!'' you shouted with joy. ''What a nice day to meet him again!'' you shouted sarcastically. Oh how ironic of you. Though it was really nice to meet your rival again. Why you ask? Well, you get a chance to do your revenge that you have planned last weekend. An evil smile took over your lips as you prepare yourself for school...

As you come out of your house wearing a (f/c) shirt, leggings, and (f/c) rubber shoes, you locked the door behind you. Now, let's talk about yourself, shall we? Ok, leggo. You, (y/n), are the only one who survived from the car accident that happened years ago. You just come out from your mother's tummy and as your dad was driving you, your mom, and your two older sibling back home, a car drove past the speed limit and that he was driving on the same lane as your dad's. When your dad saw the car, he instantly turn the wheel. Once our car turned the other way, he remembered that the road was near a cliff. He stepped on the brakes but it was too late... The last thing you remembered was that you were taken away from your mother's grasp and that you were took in by an orphanage.

Your life at the orphanage was great...but not that great. There was this time when the children can go to the park and play and that is also the time when you get to meet Randy for the first time. Never knew that he will be an enemy of yours. Both of you guys went to the same school eversince. You guys would pick on each other as the teacher will always call your name and Randy's. You two never get along no matter what.

As you graduated elementary, you plead for the owner of the orphanage to set you free, since you're at the right age to be freed. The owner thought about it as she nodded. You started to jump in joy as she handed you some papers. She said to me that you only have to sign it then you can retrieve your old house back. You sign it quickly as she told you to pack your things for she will be driving you there.

A few minutes passed, she stopped infront of a house. She told you that this is it. You quickly stepped inside. You adore the look of it inside but the problem is...everything is covered with dust. She helped you unpacked your things and after that, she gave you money that can last for 1-2 weeks. She told you that she will visit you anytime soon to know what happened to you and to give you money since you don't have a job yet. Both of you hugged for a few minutes as you let go, letting her leave you in your parents' house.

Long right? But it doesn't stops there...

(Gonna post the next chap tomorrow cuz I'm a bit busy today)

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