Chapter 39: I Should've Known...

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After school at some isolated corridor...
''Oh c'mon Randy, just tell me who's this 'Henry' guy is then I'll leave you in peace,'' I asked him once again, already getting annoyed at his ignorance toward me.

''I told you, he is just a normal guy and to the fact that I need to go now because I have some other plans to do,''

''Like what?'' My arms were crossed and one of my eyebrows were raised upward, giving him the 'I-need-answers-now' look. I waited for his response while watching him perspire and stutter in every word he says. Few minutes have already passed and still he is not yet forming a single sentence. Sighing, I told him to just go to where he is gonna go and just continue this conversation tomorrow. Before he even leaves me, he said his thanks and off he goes.

Checking on my phone to see his message for 'Henry' once more, I sprinted at the back of the school and hid behind a dumpster, just in time for me to stalk *coughs* eavesdrop him, waiting for 'Henry'. Minutes later, I started to get bored of just staring at Randy pace from left to right. Like when will this guy even reveal himself?... Oh, I forgot that the message Randy accidentally sent to me was for him...

As I was about to get out of my hiding place, I can hear running from a far and a shadow getting larger and larger. Oh man, here he comes in 3...2...1...

My eyes were wide open once I saw a girl with a very familiar appearance. She is not just any other girl that I have meet in school. She's the girl that had been close to me. She's the girl I'm friends with. And that girl is Heidi, Heidi Weinerman.

''Where have you been Randy? I have been looking all over for you for the past 45 minutes,'' she asked, stomping her foot while crossing her arms. Randy looked at her with a confuse look on his face, probably because he thought he had sent her the text message that was accidentally sent to me. ''Didn't I tex- nah who cares. Want to have dinner, or in other words a date, later 8?" Date? A date?

''Where?" Heidi asked, already starting to get a little 'touchy' around him. ''Just dress nicely and I'll take you there, meet me here OK?"

''OK,'' she agreed as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I made my back in contact with the dumpster as I slid down to the ground. All this time, I never knew that in every time he looks in my eyes, it doesn't remind him of me, but her. Man that hurts.

When I saw them leave the vicinity, I got out of my hiding place and decided to just walk back home... Alone. Maybe I should plan an unexpected entrance...*grins *.

''You sure you want to do this?" Haize asked while I was packing some stuff I need for my plan.

''Of course brah,'' I responded.

''You do know you'll lose both of their trust right?''

''Yeah, I know. And besides, they're the first ones who lose mine,'' As I said those words, I sling my bag on my shoulder and off I go in ninja mode.

My (f/c) bag jumped when I jump on rooftops and swings when I change directions or stop unexpectedly. On my way at the back of the school, I instantly stopped once I saw the two walking in fancy clothes on. Heidi was wearing a red ruffle dress with matching red heels and golden accessories while Randy was wearing his sky blue tux (the one in some episode) with a bowtie. I ''followed'' them from a far as both of them just chillax and chit chat all throughout their walk. I started to perspire inside my ninja suit because of all that running but hey, I can't just give up now right?

As they step in on some fancy restaurant, I jumped down from the building and took off my ninja suit to reveal myself in a long (f/c) dress with my hair done. The small (f/c) bag that I have became my purse which really matched my outfit.

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