Chapter 38: A Mistake To Remember

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WARNING: Chapter long


''So Axel is your brother?'' Randy asked. Both of us were just sitting under the shade of a tree, where no one can see us hanging out. All I did was nod my head and looked down on the grassy ground. He put his hand on my shoulder and said. ''Don't worry (y/n), no matter what happens, I'll always be there, OK?'' His words made me smile at him in response.

Moments later, I saw Axel's Ferrari from a far. I stood up from my spot and told Randy goodbye. Before I could even get a few meters away from him, I heard his phone ring and also his reply to the caller. ''OK, I'll meet you there Henry,'' Henry? Who's Henry?

''Hey (y/n), you do know my parents are waiting for you right?'' Axel asked while slamming his palm on his wheel as it makes a beep-beep sound. Shrugging the thought of following *coughs* eavesdropping Randy, I went inside Axel's car and buckle up instead. I'll just ask Randy on whoever this Henry guy is cuz right now, it's payback time.

My hands opened up my satchel as it began to search for the 4 things I have stolen once again at the orphanage, because I accidentally forgot to get it on her desk. So flashback yada-yada, I used my ninja skills to get it back without getting anyone's attention.

The roadtrip was filled with the silent atmosphere. It has been like this ever since I entered his car till we reached our destination. A large and beautiful mansion was built just behind the black giant gate. Axel rolled his window down and stared at the wall. I thought he was going nuts when he started to have a staring contest with the wall when suddenly, a piece of tile separated in half, revealing a black screen. It soon scanned his eye as the doors open and drove inside.

Topiaries of different kinds were aligned. Flowers, trees, fountains, and many more other 'royal' and 'rich-looking' stuff were found within the place. He parked his car just in front of the long and huge marble staircase that leads to the front door. I immediately got out of the car and checked the place out. Before I can even get myself lost in this huge place, Axel *coughs* my brother *coughs* hold onto my hand and told me that he will be my tour guide for today. "Oh yeah, wouldn't your parents mind that I trespass?"

"Don't worry, they know that you'll be here so yeah, it's ok," Shrugging, my tour to his house began.

''For reals, how rich are you guys to own a black leopard?" I asked while pointing at the black leopard inside a cage. He just moved his shoulders upward, telling me that he doesn't know. My hand was almost bitten off by the leopard if it wasn't by Axel pulling my hand away before I totally lost my hand. "You do know that my parents wouldn't allowed anyone to get close to it right?"

"How come?"

"It's untamable, no one has ever tamed that leopard, not even the professionals. My parents can't return it to the zoo they bought it cuz it might escape from it's cage and worse, kill a lot of people within the area. They want it to set it free in the wild but they can't seem to find time," As I took a glance on it, I stared deeply into it's eyes and saw my upside-down reflection within it. Another ghost aye? What a pleasant surprise. "Hey (y/n), want to go back inside? It's getting dark already," All I did was nod my head and stood up. 

"So your name's (y/n) huh?" I stopped in my tracks and looked at the leopard smiling widely at me. Looking at Axel's long gone image, I walked back to the cage and asked the leopard on what it wants. "Oh I don't know, maybe setting me free so I could eat you alive," he said, showing his sharp long teeth with a few more blood. "Don't mind the blood, I just ate raw meat a while ago,"

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