Chapter 25: The Stranger/s

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English class...
Boring. Boring. Boring. Ugh! Nothing seems to be all exciting and everything for some reason. I stared at the leaves fall out of the branch just outside the window. The slow tick-tocking sound of the clock made it seem like the class is taking forever to finish. To my surprise, it's gonna be my first time 'sleeping' in class when Mr. Bannister decided to have a spelling recitation.

''Are you serious, old man?'' I mumbled. As I was about to drift into an eternal slumber, the words caught me wide eyed.

''Spell Stupid,'' (Mr. Bannister)

''S-T-U-P-I-D,'' (Students)

''Spell Idiot,'' (Mr. Bannister)

''I-D-I-O-T,'' (Students)

''Spell Moron,'' (Mr. Bannister)

''M-O-R-O-N,'' (Students)

''WRONG!!!" I shouted with disbelief. Rising up from my seat or in other words, rising from my deep slumber like Sleeping Beauty, I told them that their spellings are wrong, as in everything. Mr. Bannister had his confused look on his face, the other students following his example. He told me that the spellings are all right but as for me, it's all wrong.

After having a huge debate about the spellings, he slammed his fists on top of the table, breaking it again because the small cracks before (at chapter 3) grew much more larger now. ''IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT SPELLING THEN GO TELL THEM!!!" Oh sure old man, I'm very glad to help them in their spelling and vocabulary.

''The right spelling of 'Idiot' is R-A-N-D-Y. The right spelling for 'Moron' is T-H-E-R-E-S-A. And lastly, the right spelling of 'Stupid' is B-A-N-N-I-S-T-E-R,'' The class went wild all over the classroom. Mr. Bannister somehow decided to ask me 'calmly' on how on earth is he stupid when I told him it's because of how stupid of he to teach the class the wrong thing. The next we all know, the bell rang...

Just walking on the pavement, staring happily at the sky. Nomo is on his field trip and they're going camping for 3 days. So 3 days of loneliness in the house, now that's just great. I'm pretty sure Haize is gonna come for an early visit since I'm the only one in the house. The ninja said to me that he's a bit in the 'beast mode' for some reason that I don't know and that we should move the session in another day. So it's just me and Haize today when I bumped into someone, making the papers the person is holding fly up and scatter all over the ground.

''Oh meh gawsh, oh meh gawsh, oh meh gawsh! I'm sooooo sorry,'' I blurted out. ''Let me help you,'' A minute haven't passed yet but wow, I caught them all. From it flying away and rolling on the floor. I straightened the papers as I gave it back to their rightful owner. The guy has the color of my hair and he's wearing a blue polo, brown pants, and normal black shoes. He must be a working guy already.

The guy held the papers in front of him and placed it inside his folder but I can see that he's looking at an apartment window as I saw another piece of paper stuck beneath it. The window is below a somewhat tiny market that sells fruits but also 2 windows/floors/rooms above. I told him that I can get that since the ninja have been training for days already. He was about to tell me it's OK but I was off.

I ran to one of the 4 poles that attached the cloth-like roof of the tiny market and gripped on it tightly. I jumped to it's roof all upside-down and bounce myself to the first floor. Hanging myself, I flipped over and balanced on the tiny space near it's window as I jumped once again and reached for the other one, flipping again. My hands reached for the paper and voilà, I got it. My head turn for the guy and I was greeted by loud applauses.

Many people have watched my crazy doing and from the crowd, I manage to see the McFist family. I let myself fall to the 'cloth roof' and back flip to the guy which was mission accomplish. Before I even have a chance to give it to him, McFist pulled my hand with great force. ''How did you manage to do that girl?'' He asked with a creepy grin just like Cheshire's in Alice in Wonderland. I can't just tell him that the ninja trained me cuz yah, he told me to not tell anyone.

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