Chapter 14: That Dare Tho

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So I just wanna ask you guys if I should change the title and the cover of this story or I'm still gonna keep the title but change the background, so yah, pls tell me. The picture is above. Ok, that's all :)

Your POV
During lunch time...
I'm now waiting impatiently for the ninja to fart-bomb any second now, even though I've been waiting for him for the past 15 minutes a while ago. Why am I waiting for him you say? Well, it's because he's gonna do my dare to him for him to retrieve back his precious book of his.

Another 5 minutes have passed by and still no sign of him. My tummy grumbled as I pat it and told it to keep it down. But man I'm hungry. I hugged my stomach but it still kept on grumbling louder and louder when I saw someone's hand holding a red juicy apple. I turned my head to face him and my eyes widen. It's the ninja.

''Here,'' he said, slowly moving the apple close to me. Gladly taking the apple and eating it, I gave him a smile. I can sense him blushing beneath his mask and like, no one can resist those smiles from a hot girl...and I'm that hot girl. Wink wink XD. After eating, I gave him a smirk and ask him.

''Are you ready for your dare?'' He jumped a bit then nodded slowly, still unsure on what next bad thing will happen during his dare. ''Before the show will end, you will...'' I said it to him that soon turn into a quiet whisper...

Author-chan's POV
''HEY GUYS! Heidi Weinerman here! And today is not just an ordinary day for today is the starting of Norrisville High Got Talent! Where talented students battle each other to earn the title 'First NHGT Winner'!!! At the backstage, there stands the contestants and after this event, there will be a special performance from an unknown guest who is gonna accompany our last contestant. Ohh, who can that be? Well, let the game begin!!!''

Many students have performed with their usual talents while the others are their hidden ones, which made the judges jump off of their seats. Everything is fun but every beginning has it's own ending and that is the last performance performed by...
















As you went up on stage, the music started and man you won't believe it but the song is Wrecking Ball. When you started singing, the students and even the judges were astonish because of your voice. It's the first time they heard you sing and believe it or not, singing is one of your hidden talents.

When your song is quite near the end (after the bridge of the song), a wrecking ball came out of nowhere and you won't believe that the one riding on it is THE NINJA!!! This your dare to him and it's good to see people having the laugh of their lives. Even the judges and simply you are quite giggling because of the scenario.

After the whole performance and the LMAO-ing of the people, it's time to cast the votes of the judges, including the ones from the watchers. After doing so, the scores were shown on the screen next to the lights. Good thing that Theresa is absent today or else she'll totally flipped out and turn into a monster. Why? Well that's because you won first place. 2nd place is Morgan's group while 3rd place is Bash's group. It really question you though on where the juice is Randy and Howard, luckily, they didn't perform because Howard is also absent.

Positioning yourself in between the 2 groups, together with the Ninja, you felt so shy for the fact that you're quite short while they are like a few inches taller than you. After receiving the medals and the prizes (which is in cash), everyone went to their own ways while you and the ninja were at the stairs were you guys met earlier.

Randy's POV
Once the coast is clear, she took out my nomicon and gave it to me but there is a catch, she gave me half of her cash to me. I was shock of her donation and just pushed it away slowly though she pulled my hand and put the money on my palm. She then turn my hand into a fist using her two hands and man, her hands are warm. Soon enough, she broke the silence.

''Did you wear a blush-on a while ago? Or are you really blushing?'' My blush turn darker because of embarrassment and that she is still holding my hand. But when I look at my hand, she noticed it immediately and let go. She scratched her head and did the anime sweat drop. She's so cute...wait what?!

Mentally facepalming, she began to wave a hand infront of me, which really helped me snapped back to reality. Blinking a few times, she giggled a bit and told me.

''Please ninja, don't be blinded by my hotness,'' After saying so, she did a hair flip or in other words, hitting me with her luxurious hair. Playfully punching her, we had a laugh that soon faded when she remembered that she still needs to pick up her step brother.

Saying our goodbyes, my eyes widen as I forgot something...

Your POV
I was about to walk to Nomo's school when someone grasped on my wrist. Turning my head, I saw the ninja, his head down low.

''Before anything else...I need your help...'''

A/N I'm speed-typing while doing this because I still have to study for my exams and to the fact that it's already late and I'm so sleepy right now so pardon my grammar and wrong spellings (if it ever has)
DimensionOutsider Out! Peace!

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