Chapter 19: Messed up scenarios

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CREDS TO MY FRITTI UNICORN FWEND!!! (To the fact that some of the scenarios of this chapter is base in real life)(you'll find out when you read it XD)(chapter a little long)

Everyone started fixing up their tents and unpacking their things. Heidi, Nomo, and I are roomies or in other words...tenties...wait, what? I prefer roomies XD, while Howard, Red-head dude, and HIM are roomies in another tent. Mort decided to just sleep in his sleeping bag since he wanted to see the stars at night...even if we know the real reason why he's sleeping in a sleeping bag.

So here's what happened, there are 3 tents in the car and while we're fixing our own tents, Mort accidentally ripped his and just hid it as fast as he could and made up an excuse. Typical. Just typical.

After finishing preparing, we decided to create a bonfire while it's still early. We, Heidi, Mort, Nomo, and I, started finding firewood and wedge stones while the 3 just sat under a tree and complained on how tired they are. I mentally facepalmed myself and groan like, we 4 are also tired yah know. Heidi told me to not mind them anymore and that we'll get them all later which made me grin mischievously in response.

Mort told us to split up to find firewood and wedge stones but then, he told Nomo to join the boys since he might get lost in the woods. He told us that in 10 minutes, all of us must be here, at the same spot.

I'm just traveling in a straight line so that I'll just turn around and walk back to our place. On my way, I picked up firewood and wedge stones when I saw something...white. Standing straight, not moving a muscle, I can hear leaves being crumpled a bit and small tiny branches breaking. After a few minutes, the sounds stopped but then, I heard a meow near me, making me jolt and fall to the rocky ground, while at the same time, hurting my butt.

Groaning, I felt something furry rubbed against my legs as it purred and meowed. It jumped on my stomach, making me stare at it.

''Never knew a cat would scare me like that,'' I said to the cat, stroking it. The cat jumped out of me as I stood up and dust off myself. After doing so, I kneeled into it's height and observed it's features. It has a glowing white fur with patches of black and brown. It's eyes were at the color of hazel brown.

I put the cat on my lap and stroked it as I made a tiny conversation with it. And yes, I'm that crazy.

''Hi there little fella,'' I started. ''Lost in the woods?'' It meowed in response when I heard Mort calling for me. It got off of me as I stood up and picked up the firewood and wedge stones I have picked earlier. As I was about to go back to our spot, my instincts told me that the cat was following me which I just shrugged it off and let it follow me. Now that I saw Heidi and Mort, they seemed to be staring at it as they told me that it seems that I created a new friend. Smiling, we set up the bonfire and once we're done, we rested for a while when we noticed...where are the guys?

In a far away distance, we can hear them chatter as they reveal themselves out of the bush, together with Nomo. Heidi and I had our arms crossed which alarms them that they are in a big heap of trouble...except Nomo, he's too innocent. The 3 guys gulped as we pulled them by the ear, Heidi with Howard while I'm with Randy, which I pinched his harder than red head.

''Ow, ow, ow!'' Were heard from them and that I admired it. Haaaaa...good times...


It's already nighttime and now we are getting ourselves heat from the bonfire in front of us. The guys are telling each other some horror stories that are quite true and quite false for some reason. I can feel Nomo getting a little uneasy hearing those so I just suggest him to go back to our tent which he did. I carried the cat and stared deeply into it's eyes. I decided to call it Haize Hayashi. Haize is from it's eyes, the short cut of hazel. And Hayashi which means forest, the place where I found it roaming around.

As I stared, I noticed my reflection on it's eye...I'm somewhat upside-down. Weird...

When it's time to go to sleep, the 3 guys' screams grew louder and louder each time they pull out a horror story that weren't that even scary at all, inside their tent. Mort have been fast asleep, even Nomo, but Heidi and I are just playing a game about who has the biggest eye bags and has no sleep wins. We have enough of the boys already so we decided to pull them a prank...MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

After seeing the light inside of their room have been turned off in what seems like 15 minutes, the two of us opened up their tent as we began to tug their blanket as slowly as possible without waking them from their deep slumber. Next step, place a tiny camera on a corner where they can be seen but they can't see it. 3rd, hid their blanket inside their bag...

4. Get their bags and things and place it beside The Sleeping Mort. And lastly,
5. Get out of their tent, close it, and slowly pull/push it just beside the river (entrance/exit of the tent is facing the river) and place another tiny camera on top of the tent.

Heidi and I shook hands as we put our finishing touches before going back to sleep...but I told her that she can go first. Now, I'm all alone. Just staring at the dark sky made me all calm and relaxed when I heard another branch break. I didn't bother to jolt a bit since I know it's just her going to talk to me and yada-yada.

''I see that your plan on getting revenge on the boys is quite unique,'' she said, sitting down beside me. I turned to look at her when I noticed that she's filled with dirt and ashes, at least she stopped bleeding a bit. A thought ran in my mind instantly, just seeing her hazel brown eyes... My eyes widen in realization as I asked her unexpectedly, making her jump.

''Are you the cat?!'' At first, she just smiled but yet again, she nodded in reply.

''I can't believe that you had my complete name right...'' Before I can respond to her, the ground began to shake when the part I'm sitting on parted ways as I fell into the deep dark hole...


I have been awaken by Heidi who is shaking me frantically and whisper-yelling at me to wake up because it's almost morning. ALMOST. I looked at my watch and saw that it's 6 in the morning. Through her laptop, we looked at the first camera which is inside the tent.

We are laughing so hard that we are trying to hold it back because Nomo is still sleeping. We decided to just go out and sat near their tent, but not that near. At the screen of her laptop, we can see them looking for their blanket, still shivering, rubbing their skins, and stuttering their teeth, and things, because they have their precious things inside, and now, they told each other that they should find it outside. I can't help myself but laugh softly while holding my stomach which is already in pain.

Heidi told me to shush because they might hear us and she told me to carry her video camera and record the whole thing when they're about to get outside. Both of us had a mischievous grin on our faces as we hid behind a bush and started recording the whole thing...


A/N Cliffhanger, I know, I know. And why did I posted a chapter on tues if my sched is between fridays to mondays? Well, we don't have any classes this week so it means I get to update my stories to keep myself out of Boredom.

To the people who had a Quotev acc, please follow me. My username is still the same and tnx for the many reads, you guys are the best!!! :)

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