Chapter 37: Same Like Mine

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From my question at Chapter 35: Fresh up my mind, the name Holix came from another fandom of mine, Generator Rex. Never knew I'll also ship Holix (HolidayxSix) so hard that it hurts in a good way. Are there anymore people out there who are still into this show?

And yeah, I know this story have been quiet for sometime now...
But hey! Our examination is done! Whoop! whoop!


So today is Sunday. I managed to text Randy, my bf, that Axel and I will be just hanging out at the park, which he agreed since Axel and him became good friends in the beginning. He already warned Axel that if anything bad happens to me, he will sue him. I have a nice boyfriend don't you think? Ahehe.

As I prepared for the day, I unexpectedly heard a beep from outside. Instantly running downstairs, I hurriedly went outside to see Axel's Ferrari. Getting in, I looked at my bedroom window to see Haize waving goodbye, making me wave back and off we go to the park!

''C'mon (y/n), accompany me back at my car. I forgot something,'' Axel pleaded, trying to get me off of the bench I'm sitting on. After many trials, he let go of me and started walking away from me. ''If you won't accompany me on getting my wallet in my car then I guess I can't treat you fo-'' I jumped off of the bench and started to drag him toward his car. I kept on shouting at him to hurry up because my stomach needs food! When I saw him waved his wallet in the air, I quickly snatched it and ran away, he chasing me.

''(Y/n)! Give me my wallet back!'' He shouted at the top of his lungs. All I did was show my tongue at him and even ran faster. ''(Y/n)! If you don't give me back my wallet then I won't treat you!''

''Who cares?! I have your wallet so it means I can just treat myself with your money!'' I shouted back while I made my way toward the same smoothie shop I got electrocuted.

Using my 'ninja skills', I used my ninja stealth to hide from Axel while I still make my way toward the smoothie shop. As I took a step inside, the cold air freshen me up. I walked to the cashier and ordered my favorite smoothie. After paying, Axel looked at me with his arms crossed from the entrance of the shop. I walked to him, while sipping on the smoothie, as I gave back his wallet and smiled. ''Thank you for treating me!'' I said innocently.

He playfully rolled his eyes, snatched his wallet back, and into his pocket. Ruffling my hair, he snatched my smoothie away from me which made me whine in response. ''C'mon, let me have a sip will yah? This is my money you know?'' When he took a sip, he took the cup away from him and observed it from a far. He took a glance at me with a shock look. ''How the hell did you finish this under a minute?!"

''You do know I'm exhausted of all that running right?'' I asked him with one eyebrow up. He told me to sit on one of the chairs while he ordered himself a smoothie.

The line is a bit longer than a while ago so I guess I have to wait a little while longer for him. I rested my chin on top of my palm and waited until I saw a familiar-looking girl enter the shop. Its the same girl that electrocuted me! Her heels clicked loudly when it hit the floor several times. It sounds so annoying like brah, carry those heels will yah? Do you even want my ears to bleed? Don't you even know what child abuse is?

Knowing that she'll just waste her time on waiting, her head turned to face me as she sat right in front of me. She placed her hand just a few inches away from my face in a handshake position. ''Well hi there, my name's Aphrodite, Aphrodite McFist,'' Wait, McFist?! She's a McFist?! ''And you are?''

''Oh, umm, my name's (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)," I replied, shaking her hand with 'pleasure'.

''And yes, my step dad is the one and only Hannibal McFist that I'm very sure you probably know,'' Oh, you mean the one who wants to destroy me and the ninja? Pretty much. ''Btw, my name matches with myself, beautiful and loved by every boy in town,'' I just nodded my head politely with a genuine smile on my face. Hey, don't forget that my boyfriend loves me OK? And don't forget to mention b*tchy too. ''How about you? What's your story?''

''Well, I'm an 'orphan' back at some orphanage I called 'hell' because of the many bad experiences I have felt and that-''

''Yow (y/n)! I'm done ordering my smoothie!'' Both of us turned to Axel who is sipping on his chocolate smoothie. Standing up from my seat and was ready to tell Aphrodite goodbye, she grasped on my wrist and kept on telling me to tell her more about myself but I just took her hand away from me and left her. Yeah, that's what you get when you electrocuted me and let me spilled my smoothie.

Nighttime 9:30pm
We're just laying on the short soft grass here at the park, surrounded by peace and quiet. We are just staring at the beautiful stars. ''Hey (y/n)," I turn to look at him and made a hum sound. ''My parents were asking me on when is my friend here gonna meet them. I wanted to ask you if you want to meet them or not,'' Another wave of silence rush over me as I made another hum noise again. ''That's great! And hey, I know you might be wondering what my last name is, don't you?"

''Well, duh. And you must be also wondering what's my last name too? (A/N: since Axel doesn't want to tell you his last name before, you decided that you will also not tell him yours)" I asked him back.

''So if I tell you my last name, will you tell yours?'' I nodded my head in agreement as he sighed before answering. ''Well, my name is Axel, Axel...
















(L/n)," What... His last name is what... ''(Y/n)? Hello? You okay?" He asked, waving a hand in front of me. Snapping out of my thoughts, I nodded my head in response. ''Hey, let's go home, it's already dark and you still have to meet my parents after school,'' Both of us stood up from the ground and made our way to his car. Once we already buckle up, I asked him on what're his parents' names. ''My mom's name is (m/n) while my dad's name is (d/n). Oh yeah, since I told you my last na-''

''I'll tell you when the time's right,'' I cut him mid-sentence. Looking away, I sensed him shrug and just went back in driving his car. The drive back to my house is quiet, dead quiet. I didn't bother to speak to him, even just a single word.

So right now... I'm hanging out with my brother. And tomorrow... I'm gonna meet my parents...face to fist.

Never knew that Axel will be your long lost brother...
3 more chapters to go...
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