Chapter 16: Discovery

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Basking in the euphoric feeling I was experiencing from kissing Tristan, I ran my fingers up the back of his neck tangling them in his hair. The sexy little groan that escaped his lips added more fuel to my fire. I love the way it sounds and wanted to hear it again, so I took the initiative and deepened the kiss.

I don't know where all the confidence came from, but for some strange reason being with Tristan makes me feel powerful. Like I could conquer anything my heart desired. Am I nuts for thinking that? Was it all in my head, because I know he's future Alpha? I wanted to pat my damn self on the back for standing up to those bullies.

In the past, I knew they talked about me in what they thought were hushed whispers whenever they'd pass me in the halls or in class. Hushed whispers my ass, those girls wouldn't know what a whisper was if it came up and smacked them in the face. They're just naturally loud and extremely annoying when they talk to one another. I don't think the word quiet exists in their vocabulary.

Constantly making fun of my magnifying lens that I once called glasses and my frumpy clothes that my delayed body didn't fill out so well. I came to the assumption that they were just mean hearted people and now I get ridiculed for being noticed? They were jealous because all the attention was on me now? I didn't ask for any of this, but obviously they didn't care.

I can't believe I was accused of being the town slut, town prude more like it! Before Tristan, I've never even hugged a guy, let alone kiss one. Tristan pulled away from our intense lip lock to trail hot kisses from my cheek all the way down to the crook of my neck. Oh god, I hope my neck wasn't full of sweat and that it didn't taste salty.
That's all I'd need right now is for him to throw up on my feet from the disgusting taste of kissing my neck.

Standing there in his arms, I felt like we were the only ones on the beach at that very Moment. I didn't care who was watching or what was being said none of it mattered. All that did matter was enjoying this Moment for all that it's worth. It's an experience I never in a million years expected to happen to me.

Who can honestly say they ever thought Tristan Evans and Annalise Foster would end up together as a couple...just what I thought...the sound of complete silence as no one raises their hand. The feeling of Tristan's lips against my neck and the tightening of his hands on my waist had my body bubbling like hot lava ready to erupt out of a volcano.

My heart was thrashing so frantically against my chest, I wondered if he could feel it or even hear it? I'm sure the sound of my breathing was labored as I tried desperately to take in lungfuls of air. "Mmm, Tristan" I moaned raspily grabbing a hold of his shoulders. I don't think I've ever felt something so sensual in my entire life!

Suddenly I felt a slight nip causing me to jump. Did he seriously just bite me where my neck meets my shoulder? It was a playful bite and it only hurt for a split second as his tongue smoothed over it to take away the slight sting that it left, but nevertheless it was still a bite.

Before I knew what happened next, Tristan pushed me away forcefully by the hips staring down at me with pure silver eyes. The evening had turned into night and the sky was a dark purple color making his eyes shine so bright they looked almost translucent.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked trying to take a step towards him. "Are you ok?" I wanted to comfort him and make sure nothing was wrong. Looking at me like he was in so much pain caused the vessels of my heart to squeeze blocking off the blood flow. He held up his hands to stop me from approaching him.

"No...don't come any closer." Did I do something wrong? Why was he glaring at me with such intensity? Was I too inexperienced for him? "I need to go." Tristan spat out turning on his heels and running across the sand towards the boardwalk.

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