Chapter 8: Silent Treatment (Picture of Jordan)

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Chapter 8: Silent Treatment

Spending the entire lunch period locked in a bathroom stall, sitting atop a dingy toilet was not my idea of a good time. I ran all the way to the freshman/sophomore wing to hide inside their bathroom. At least here, I stood less of a chance of running into any of those witches. Our school is split into a freshman/sophomore wing and a junior/senior wing.

I cried for a good half-hour before I was able to calm myself down enough to stop the tears from flowing. I'm sure my eyes are all swollen, red and puffy. Unlocking the bathroom stall, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. "Stop being so pathetic." I mumbled to myself pitifully. You could say I was throwing myself an extravagant pity party, me being the only guest.

Turning on the cold water, I leaned down into the sink and splashed some of it on my face. I look like I suffer from a bad case of rosacea, with how red my face is! The bell went off notifying me that lunch is over. I would have been relieved if it were the end of the school day and I could go home, but no of course not.

There had to be one period left; Anatomy and of course Tristan is in my class. I'm sure they were sitting at lunch having a good old chuckle over me. Waiting for a few more minutes to pass by, I grabbed my messenger bag and made my way towards my last class.

The bell rang just as I approached the door. Hopefully all the seats are full and I'll be forced to sit next to another loner. I didn't want to have to face him, I couldn't. I was still able to feel the knot in the back of my throat threatening to suffocate me at any second. Walking in, I did a quick scan of the already filled room. There were two seats left one at the front of the room next to a quiet smart girl named Angelica and one in the back next to Luke.

Lord, why can't I seem to get away from these people! Luke looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. Almost as if he were trying to silently ask me what was wrong. I slid quietly into the seat next to Angelica in the front row of lab tables and began pulling out my binder. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I could feel his presence without even having to look up from my bag, nor did I plan on acknowledging him.

"Lise, where'd you disappear to?" His voice came out gruff and a bit annoyed. "I came back with the food and you were gone. So I went looking for you in the library, I waited there for you the entire period and you never came."

Pretending like I was still searching in my bag for something important, I completely ignored Tristan. This only seemed to cause him to question me even more so. Why can't the boy just leave me alone? Doesn't he get that I didn't ask for, nor want any of this attention. I'm completely content with being the unnoticed wallflower.

"Lise?" He called out in confusion. "What's wrong? Did...did I do something to upset you?"

Great, I could feel the entire class watching our every move as I continued to act like he wasn't there speaking to me. He kneeled down next to my desk so that he was eye level with me. Using his thumb and forefinger to gently grab a hold of my chin, he forcefully turned my head to face him. I tried with all my strength to fight against him, but it seemed like he had more power in his thumb and index finger than I did in my entire head!

"What happened?" Tristan asked, his voice full of concern. Then he got a good look at me as I glared at him hatefully. It seemed as though he visibly swallowed a huge lump in his throat. "You've been crying." He stated extremely pissed off. "Who did it?"

My eyes looked away from him towards the front of the room. I took notice that Mrs. Johanssen our Anatomy teacher still wasn't here yet. What does it matter who made me cry, why does he even act like he cares? He's the reason why I'm an emotional mess.

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