Chapter 39: Spain

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I was discharged from the hospital the day after I woke up following a series of scans that were ran on my head. Guess the doctors wanted to check for brain damage. I ended up tumbling all the way down the steps, hitting the back of my head on the bottom of our metal banister, hence the lump.

After receiving a clean bill of health, the hospital discharged me and I was free to go home. My parents fussed excessively over me. Dad insisted I be more careful next time and turn on the light when walking down the steps in the middle of the night. Mom took off from work for the next four days babying me not allowing me to go to school until the lump decreased in size.

No, I didn't tell them about the real reason I fell down the steps, the pain or the nightmare. I just didn't feel like they'd understand. Instead, they'd probably think I'm nuts and end up committing me to the psyche ward. Sitting at my desk, I was busy catching up on all the schoolwork I missed these past two weeks. Tristan's next door talking to his Dad. It was a real pain in the ass, having to do so much at once. It's a good thing I'm not your average student, so I was able to keep up with the work.

I demanded Tristan shifted to heal once we left the hospital. Being a stubborn mule, he declined. I showed him who's boss though. I told him if he didn't shift then he could forget about sneaking into my room at night, that I'd lock my window and not to bother coming over. Of course I didn't mean any of that since I can't sleep without him anymore, but, he doesn't need to know that. Needless to say he shifted that very night, completely healing within a few hours time.

Staying true to his word, Tristan hasn't left my side for more than a few hours at a time since we left the hospital. The only time he spent away was when he needed to run patrols. It's been two full weeks since Mia died. The empty feeling inside of me seemed to have dulled a bit, but not by much. No one could really explain what this feeling was, not even Mr. or Mrs. Evans.

"Hey, I came over straight after school to see if you needed help packing." Anya's voice drifted from the hallway as she made her way into my room. Looking up from my worksheet, I gave her a happy grin. Have I ever told you guys just how much I love my best friend?

"I knew there's a reason why I keep you around!" I joked playfully while continuing on with answering the questions on the paper. A pair of socks hit me in the back right between my shoulder blades. "Hey!" I cried in mock outrage. "Easy on the cripple here!" I shouted trying to raise my broken cast arm for show.

"You're lucky I have bad aim, I was trying to pelt at that growth on the back of your head!" She shouted with an evil laugh. "Damn that thing's ugly." Never mind what I just said about loving my best friend, I take it back, I take it all back! Laughter filled the room as I burst into a fit of giggles with her.

I haven't felt happy like this in what feels like forever. The mood's been so morbid and depressing around here, with good reason though. What are we packing for, you ask? We've been invited to attend a memorial service Alpha Perez and his wife are having in honor of Mia. Yes my friends, we're flying to Spain for the weekend. Leaving tonight and returning on Sunday. Bet you're all wondering how I got my parents to agree to me spending the weekend away?

Well, Mr. and Mrs. Evans finagled my parents into believing they were taking us kids away for the weekend to their cabin in the woods. My parents wouldn't let me go if they knew I was flying halfway around the world. Attending the memorial would be Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Tristan, myself, Luke, Anya, Troy, Andre, Axel, and Jett. Mr. Evans was leaving Jewel's Dad temporarily in charge of the pack for the weekend.

Shoving the last of my things into my roll away luggage, I zippered it up with my good hand and grabbed the handle to stand it up. Anya the dear that she is, helped me pack before heading over to Luke's place. She's gotten so close with Luke's little sister five year old sister Leia, so she went over to spend some time with her before we leave. Can you tell Luke's parents have a scary obsession with the movie Star Wars? I'm sure that if they had a third child it would be named Chewbacca!

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