Chapter 22: Game On

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Watching Tristan run across the field had to be, by far, the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I was afraid to look down at my lap, I'm pretty sure my pants have a huge drool spot on them. Luke and Andre are goalies, while Tristan and Troy battle it out on the field. Yea, yea, I know we're nuts for making them come out here at eleven at night, but it was totally necessary.

What else were we supposed to do? Anya and I came up with the plan while rinsing off our faces in the bathroom. Can't very well have our mate and our friend going at it every single time they see one another. They needed to get along, considering they're going to be Alphas and Betas.

"We have to do something." Anya huffed in frustration, I felt the same exact way. "We can't go on with them at each other's throats like this."

It's like a little light bulb went off in my head. "I know, we should make them have a soccer rematch but just between them."

Anya looked at me like I just conquered world hunger. "That's the greatest idea, ever." She drawled out. "If we leave now we'll have time for a quick game!"

Little did I know she wanted them to have the rematch right now. I meant we could set up a date during the daylight in the near future for them. But, no impatient Anya wanted to get it done and over with. So, that's why we're sitting on the bench at the field which is thankfully lit up by bright lights watching four shirtless guys sweat it out.

Aaahh and a sight it was to see, the score is currently 4-2, Tristan's up. The look of concentration and determination on his face when he runs is enough to make my heart speed up, sexy.

"C'mon guys there's five minutes left in the game before we have to get home!" Anya screamed as she stood from the bench looking down at her watch. "Make it count."

At hearing how little time was left, it seemed as though something clicked inside Troy. He was moving a lot faster then he was a couple minutes ago. Tristan had the ball and was using some mighty fancy footwork to maneuver it towards the goal where Andre was tending.

Troy ran up alongside Tristan and managed to steal the ball from him. He turned and dashed to the other end of the field where Luke was standing. Kicking the ball with full force up towards the left, Luke barely missed it with his fingertips. Troy and Andre cheered in celebration as he made the goal 4-3.

"Time!" Anya shouted loudly while waving her hands in the air to the guys. Surprisingly all the guys shook hands and it was a game well played. I expected there to be bloodshed and lots of violence since there aren't any real refs here to maintain control over the game. Guess Anya's threats really scared them.

'Hmm, I wonder what the hell happened between the four of them when we went upstairs? Did alien clones of their former selves replace them? Why all of a sudden are they getting along? Strange, very strange,' I thought as I just shrugged it off and assumed they finally came to their senses.

"Congrats." Anya and I said to Luke and Tristan as we made our way onto the field. We aren't too keen on giving them hugs right now, their bodies are dripping with perspiration.

I'm pretty sure they're not smelling too fresh either, nor do I want to test out that theory. They both turned to us and grinned, "Thanks." A sneaky smile came over both of their faces all of a sudden as they glanced at one another out the corner of their eyes and nodded their heads.

Before Anya and I could even spin around to run, we were grabbed into a bear hug. "Eww!" We both shrieked at the same time as we tried to wither free.

"So girls, what's the plan for next weekend?" Troy asked jogging over to us while wiping all his sweat off with his t-shirt. Andre stood by his side.

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