Chapter 13: Protector

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We stood there staring at one another in astonishment until the warning bell sounded, causing me to remember we needed to get to homeroom. Clearing my throat awkwardly, I turned my back on Axel and began walking. "This way to homeroom." I croaked silently.

What the hell was that and what am I going to do now? How am I going to explain this to Tristan? There are two things I am absolutely positive of. One, being the new guy Axel Fisher is without a doubt a wolf and two, there's some sort of weird connection between us. As for what type of connection, that's the part I need to figure out.

I could tell right off the bat the shocks aren't half as strong as they are when I touch Tristan, but they're definitely there. There's no denying that. The sound of his feet shuffling closely behind notified me that he was indeed following me to homeroom. He hasn't said anything since I snatched my hand away from his.

Just as we both walked into the classroom, the final bell sounded. Tristan was already in his seat looking extremely uncomfortable that I had yet to arrive. As soon as he saw me, his whole stature seemed at ease seeing that I was unharmed. His eyes narrowed in confusion once he saw Axel walk in closely behind me.

'Please don't think the worse', I pleaded over and over again in my mind. I just hope he isn't angry with me for conveniently waltzing in at the same exact moment the hot new guy did. All the girls in homeroom practically foamed at the mouth once they got a gander at Axel. He just made his way to an empty seat towards the back of the room without so much as a glance at anyone.

Can you say uncomfortable, how about awkward? That's the vibes I was getting off of Tristan's watchful eye as he focused on me the entire fifteen minutes of homeroom.
Why was he staring at me so strangely? Did he know something was up between the new guy and me?

As soon as the bell rang, he stood up and walked over to Axel. Oh god, he's going over there to confront him! He's going to start a fight. Rushing over towards them in the back of the room, I could hear Tristan speaking quietly. "Don't hesitate to ask any of us guys if you need anything, alright Axel?"

What the heck is going on? How do they even know each other? The way Tristan is speaking to him is almost as if they already met. Axel nodded and gave Tristan a thankful smile. "Thanks for all the hospitality. I really am sorry about the other day." Sorry about the other day, what happened the other day?

"It's not a problem." Tristan said reassuring him it really wasn't a big deal. "There's nothing to apologize for, simple misunderstanding. Don't worry about it." As if Tristan could sense me standing a few steps away, he whipped around and slung his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

"Hey." He said placing a kiss on my forehead. "I want you to meet Axel. Axel this is Lise."

I gave a small smile to both of them before answering, "I know, we already met. Principal White asked me to show him around."

A look of understanding flashed across Tristan's face. "Designated tour guide?" He laughed shaking his head in disbelief as he waved his hand in a c'mon gesture for Axel to follow us.

We were walking down the hallway towards my next class. Tristan had his arm draped around my shoulder and Axel was walking along the right side of him. "Only you'd get singled out for something like that." Tristan winked with a smirk. "Make sure you give me a double scoop of mashed potatoes at lunch today ok?"

Haha, hardy har har. See what I get for telling him my horror stories. He thinks he's cute making jokes! This caused Axel to break out into a grin also; wow must be nice to laugh at my expense. I can't help being such a great student that teachers seek me out for all types of favors.

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